How to Travel from Hong Kong to Zhangjiajie

Zhangjiajie is about 1,100 km (680 mi) far from Hong Kong. There is no flight between the 2 cities and train is presently the only direct public transportation code. Every day, there is a pair of high speed trains running between Zhangjiajie West Railway Station and Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station, costing CNY769 for the 2nd class seat and taking about 6.5 hours. For more choices of trains or an earlier arrival, make a transfer in Changsha, by which way the total duration is about 7.5 – 10.5 hours and cost is about CNY900.

How to Travel from Hong Kong to Zhangjiajie

1. Best Way – Hong Kong to Zhangjiajie High Speed Train: G6080, 6.5 hour, CNY769 for 2nd Class Seat

Dep. Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station at 8:30
Arr. Zhangjiajie West Railway Station at 14:53
Frequency Daily 1 train
Ticket Fare 2nd Class Seat: CNY769;
1st Class Seat: CNY1,229;
Business Class Seat: CNY2,517
Bullet Train from Hong Kong to Zhangjiajie
Bullet Train from Hong Kong to Zhangjiajie

2. Optional Travel Way – Hong Kong to Changsha to Zhangjiajie High Speed Trains: 7.5 – 8 h, CNY880.5 for 2nd Class Seat

To get from Hong Kong to Zhangjiajie by high speed train, transferring in Changsha, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, or Hengyang will give you more choices. By this way, the total ticket price of second class seats ranges around CNY800 - 900. However, also considering the duration, Changsha is the best choice.
Journey 1:
Hong Kong to Changsha
Journey 2:
Changsha to Zhangjiajie
Duration 2h 56min – 4h 16min 2h 37min – 3h 48min
Dep. Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station Changsha South Railway Station
Arr. Changsha South Railway Station Zhangjiajie West Railway Station
Frequency 5 trains on average every day from 7:19 – 17:17,
with an extra train at 20:25 from every Friday to next Monday
Daily 11 trains from 6:10 – 18:37
Ticket Fare 2nd Cls. Seat: CNY592;
1st Cls. Seat: CNY948;
Business Cls. Seat: CNY1,966;
VIP Cls. Seat: CNY1,066
2nd Cls. Seat: CNY288.5;
1st Cls. Seat: CNY473.5;
Business Cls. Seat: CNY956.5
Hong Kong Bullet Train 1st Class Seat
Hong Kong Bullet Train 1st Class Seat

 Recommended Transfer Combination
Hong Kong West Kowloon – Changsha South Changsha South – Zhangjiajie West Duration Ticket Fare for 2nd Cls. Seat
G872, 7:19 – 10:45 G6379, 11:44 – 15:12 about 8 h CNY592+288.5
G80, 11:20 – 14:16 G6065, 15:35 – 18:41 within 7.5h

How to Travel from Zhangjiajie to Hong Kong

1. Best Way – Zhangjiajie to Hong Kong Bullet Train: G6079, 6.5h, CNY769 for 2nd Class Seat

Dep. Zhangjiajie West Railway Station at 15:21
Arr. Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station at 21:51
Frequency Daily 1 train
Ticket Fare 2nd Class Seat: CNY769;
1st Class Seat: CNY1,229;
Business Class Seat: CNY2,517
Zhangjiajie Train, 2nd Class Seat
Zhangjiajie Train, 2nd Class Seat
Luggage Space on a Zhangjiajie Train
Luggage Space on a Zhangjiajie Train

2. Optional Way – Zhangjiajie to Changsha to Hong Kong Bullet Trains: about 10.5h, CNY880.5 for 2nd Cls. Seat

As the train G6079 reaches Hong Kong at around 22:00, a little late, transferring in Changsha is a good choice for an earlier arrival. The earliest trains would arrive at Hong Kong at around 18:00. 

Transferring in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Hengyang are also feasible, but the earliest arrival would be later than 22:00, so not recommended.
Journey 1:
Zhangjiajie – Changsha
Journey 2:
Changsha – Hong Kong
Duration 2h 37min – 3h 53min 2h 59min – 3h 49min
Dep. Zhangjiajie West Railway Station Changsha South Railway Station
Arr. Changsha South Railway Station Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station
Frequency Daily 12 trains roughly from 7:30 – 21:00 Daily 5 trains roughly from 7:10 – 18:30
Ticket Fare 2nd Cls. Seat: CNY288.5;
1st Cls. Seat: CNY473.5;
Business Cls. Seat: CNY956.5
2nd Cls. Seat: CNY592
1st Cls. Seat: CNY948
Business Cls. Seat: CNY1,966

 Recommended Transfer Combination
Zhangjiajie West – Changsha South Changsha South – Hong Kong West Kowloon Duration Ticket Fare for 2nd Cls. Seat
G1367, 7:34 – 10:54 G79, 15:13 – 18:12 About 10.5h CNY288.5 + 592

Read More: Hong Kong - Zhangjiajie Train
- Last updated on Mar. 19, 2025 by Zoey Gong -