Hong Kong - Zhangjiajie Train

At present, one pair of high speed trains are running between Hong Kong and Zhangjiajie with a duration of 6.5 hours and the ticket fare of CNY 769 (USD 109) for a second class seat.

For more choices, a bullet train transfer in Changsha, Guangzhou, or Shenzhen can be considered. In that way, the total time spent on the train is 5.5 - 8 hours and the ticket cost is about CNY 728 - 804.5 (USD 103 - 113).

Basic Facts of Hong Kong - Zhangjiajie Trains

 Open date: June 15, 2024

 Operated at: Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station, Zhangjiajie West Railway Station

 Total running distance: about 1,235km (767mi)

 Top speed: 350 km/h (217 mph)

 Duration: around 6.5 hours

Hong Kong - Zhangjiajie High Speed Train
Arrive in Zhangjiajie by High Speed Train

Hong Kong to Zhangjiejie High Speed Train Schedule

(Last Update on Oct 24, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G608008:30 - 14:526h22m
See more Hong Kong Schedule

Zhangjiajie to Hong Kong Bullet Train Timetable

(Last Update on Oct 24, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G607915:20 - 21:506h30m
 Note: The timetable above is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.

Hong Kong - Zhangjiajie High Speed Train Ticket Fare

(Last Update on Oct 24, 2024)
First Class SeatSecond Class Seat
CNY 1,229
USD 174
CNY 769
USD 109

Hong Kong - Zhangjiajie Railway Map
Hong Kong - Zhangjiajie High Speed Railway Map
Hong Kong Train Maps


Transfer for More Trains from Hong Kong to Zhangjiajie


Hong Kong to Changsha to Zhangjiajie Train Schedule & Ticket Fare

Hong Kong - Changsha South Changsha - Zhangjiajie West Overall Travel Time Ticket Fare (CNY)
Second Class Seat
G80: 11:20 - 14:16 G5696: 14:41 - 16:40 5H20M 592 + 166 = 758
G306: 09:23 - 13:28 G5892: 13:50 - 15:51 6H28M 562 + 166 = 728
See more Hong Kong Schedule

A total of 3 pairs of high speed trains run for Hong Kong - Changsha and about 38 pairs of intercity trains are operated for Changsha - Zhangjiajie. Passengers need to transfer between Changsha South Station and Changsha Station. Luckily, there is Metro Line 2 connecting these two places. The total duration is around 22 minutes with a ticket fare of CNY 3.

Hong Kong to Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie Train Scehdule & Ticket Fare

Zhangjiajie West - Guangzhou South  Guangzhou South - Hong Kong Overall Travel Time Ticket Fare (CNY)
Second Class Seat
G6079: 15:20 - 20:49 G305: 21:08 - 22:01 6H41M 554 + 215 = 769
Guangzhou South Railway Station
Transfer at Guangzhou South Railway Station

Transfer for More Trains from Zhangjiajie to Hong Kong


Zhangjiajie to Shenzhen to Hong Kong Train Schedule & Ticket Fare

Zhangjiajie West - Shenzhen North Shenzhen North - Hong Kong Overall Travel Time Ticket Fare (CNY)
Second Class Seat
G6057: 14:47 - 21:47 G6387: 22:05 - 22:23 7H36M 664 + 75 = 739
See more Zhangjiajie Schedule

Zhangjiajie to Guangzhou to Hong Kong Train Schedule & Ticket Fare

Zhangjiajie West - Guangzhou South  Guangzhou South - Hong Kong Overall Travel Time Ticket Fare (CNY)
Second Class Seat
G6057: 14:47 - 20:59 G6587: 21:32 - 22:31 7H44M 589.5 + 215 = 804.5
G6079: 15:20 - 20:49 G6587: 21:32 - 22:31 7H11M 554 + 215 = 769
Note: The above transfer options are only for reference. For more choices, please use the search box on page top.

To see more details, click How to Travel between Hong Kong and Zhangjiajie
Major Rail Lines from Hong Kong to:
Major Rail Lines from Zhangjiajie to:
- Last updated on Mar. 19, 2025 by Zoey Gong -