Hong Kong - Zhangjiajie Train

At present, one pair of high speed trains are running between Hong Kong and Zhangjiajie with a duration of 6.5 hours and the ticket fare of CNY 769 (USD 109) for a second class seat.

For more choices, a bullet train transfer in Changsha, Guangzhou, or Shenzhen can be considered. In that way, the total time spent on the train is 5.5 - 8 hours and the ticket cost is about CNY 728 - 804.5 (USD 103 - 113).

Basic Facts of Hong Kong - Zhangjiajie Trains

 Open date: June 15, 2024

 Operated at: Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station, Zhangjiajie West Railway Station

 Total running distance: about 1,235km (767mi)

 Top speed: 350 km/h (217 mph)

 Duration: around 6.5 hours

Hong Kong - Zhangjiajie High Speed Train
Arrive in Zhangjiajie by High Speed Train

Hong Kong to Zhangjiejie High Speed Train Schedule

(Last Update on Oct 24, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G608008:30 - 14:526h22m
See more Hong Kong Schedule

Zhangjiajie to Hong Kong Bullet Train Timetable

(Last Update on Oct 24, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G607915:20 - 21:506h30m
 Note: The timetable above is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.

Hong Kong - Zhangjiajie High Speed Train Ticket Fare

(Last Update on Oct 24, 2024)
First Class SeatSecond Class Seat
CNY 1,229
USD 174
CNY 769
USD 109

Hong Kong - Zhangjiajie Railway Map
Hong Kong - Zhangjiajie High Speed Railway Map
Hong Kong Train Maps


Transfer for More Trains from Hong Kong to Zhangjiajie


Hong Kong to Changsha to Zhangjiajie Train Schedule & Ticket Fare

Hong Kong - Changsha South Changsha - Zhangjiajie West Overall Travel Time Ticket Fare (CNY)
Second Class Seat
G80: 11:20 - 14:16 G5696: 14:41 - 16:40 5H20M 592 + 166 = 758
G306: 09:23 - 13:28 G5892: 13:50 - 15:51 6H28M 562 + 166 = 728
See more Hong Kong Schedule

A total of 3 pairs of high speed trains run for Hong Kong - Changsha and about 38 pairs of intercity trains are operated for Changsha - Zhangjiajie. Passengers need to transfer between Changsha South Station and Changsha Station. Luckily, there is Metro Line 2 connecting these two places. The total duration is around 22 minutes with a ticket fare of CNY 3.

Hong Kong to Guangzhou to Zhangjiajie Train Scehdule & Ticket Fare

Zhangjiajie West - Guangzhou South  Guangzhou South - Hong Kong Overall Travel Time Ticket Fare (CNY)
Second Class Seat
G6079: 15:20 - 20:49 G305: 21:08 - 22:01 6H41M 554 + 215 = 769
Guangzhou South Railway Station
Transfer at Guangzhou South Railway Station

Transfer for More Trains from Zhangjiajie to Hong Kong


Zhangjiajie to Shenzhen to Hong Kong Train Schedule & Ticket Fare

Zhangjiajie West - Shenzhen North Shenzhen North - Hong Kong Overall Travel Time Ticket Fare (CNY)
Second Class Seat
G6057: 14:47 - 21:47 G6387: 22:05 - 22:23 7H36M 664 + 75 = 739
See more Zhangjiajie Schedule

Zhangjiajie to Guangzhou to Hong Kong Train Schedule & Ticket Fare

Zhangjiajie West - Guangzhou South  Guangzhou South - Hong Kong Overall Travel Time Ticket Fare (CNY)
Second Class Seat
G6057: 14:47 - 20:59 G6587: 21:32 - 22:31 7H44M 589.5 + 215 = 804.5
G6079: 15:20 - 20:49 G6587: 21:32 - 22:31 7H11M 554 + 215 = 769
Note: The above transfer options are only for reference. For more choices, please use the search box on page top.
Major Rail Lines from Hong Kong to:
Major Rail Lines from Zhangjiajie to:
- Last updated on Dec. 09, 2024 by Grace Yang -