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Yichang - Zhangjiajie Train

No direct train is available from Yichang to Zhangjiajie, but passengers can easily travel between the two cities by bullet train with a transfer in Changsha. The whole journey will take 7.5 - 9 hours and takes CNY 403 - 592.5 for second class seats. Three transfer methods are offered below, and you can choose according to your own schedule.


Recommended Transfer Methods

Method 1: direct; 8H18M; CNY 592.5

Trains Dep. - Arr. Duration
G1034 Yichang East - Changsha South
08:37 - 12:50
G6051 Changsha South- Zhangjiajie West
14:02 - 16:55

Method 2: direct; 9H11M; CNY 592.5

Trains Dep. - Arr. Duration
G1142 Yichang East - Changsha South
09:37 - 13:54
G6519 Changsha South - Zhangjiajie West
15:35 - 18:48

Method 3: transfer; 7H20M; CNY 403

Trains Dep. - Arr. Connection Time Duration
G1138 Yichang East - Changsha South
06:15 - 10:30
55M 4H46M
D7470 Changsha - Zhangjiajie West
11:25 - 13:35

Travel from Changsha South to Changsha Railway Station

Take Changsha Metro Line 2 at Changsha South Railway Station to Changsha Railway Station, 7 stops in total, taking 20 minutes and CNY 3.

Yichang to Changsha Train Schedule

(Last Update on Dec 26, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G113806:15 - 10:304h15m
G103007:28 - 11:444h16m
G103408:37 - 12:504h13m
G114209:37 - 13:544h17m


Changsha to Zhangjiajie Train Timetable

(Last Update on Dec 26, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G643106:55 - 10:093h14m
G569410:04 - 12:062h2m
G589812:50 - 14:471h57m
G587415:05 - 17:062h1m
G587621:20 - 23:121h52m
Around 37 departures in total: departure time from 06:53 to 21:20.

See more Zhangjiajie Schedule 

Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.


Travel Tips of Yichang and Zhangjiajie

Yichang and Zhangjiajie both are pretty tourist cities. Chinese Sturgeon Museum, Qingjiang River Gallery, Qu Yuan’s Hometown, and Three Gorges Tribe in Yichang are worthy for tourists having a visit. Tourists can take the special bus or bus line 10-1 to Three Gorges Tribe from Yiling Square. Yichang bus line 803 and bus line 813 are available for tourists to Changyang from Yichang Long-Distance Bus Station or Yichang General Bus Station respectively. Upon arriving in Changyang, tourists can take the special tourism bus to visit Qingjiang River Gallery directly. 

As one of the most famous tourism cities in China, Zhangjiajie features a variety of attractions. Attractions worth visiting include Phoenix Ancient Town, Suoxi Valley Nature Reserve, Tianmen Mountain, Tianzi Mountain Nature Reserve, Grand Canyon, Glass Bridge, National Forest Park, Yangjiajie Scenic Area and more. There are around 8 long-distance buses departing from Zhangjiajie Central Long-Distance Station next to Zhangjiajie Railway Station to reach Phoenix Ancient Town. Also, Zhangjiajie Central Long-Distance Station has regular tourist buses to National Forest Park, Suoxi Valley Nature Reserve, Tianzi Mountain Nature Reserve and Yangjiajie Scenic Area every few minutes. The journey takes around 40 minutes and the bus fare is around CNY 12. Besides, tourists can take buses to Grand Canyon and Glass Bridge after visiting Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area with the overall duration of around 40 minutes.
Major Rail Lines from Yichang to:
- Last updated on Dec. 27, 2024 by Grace Yang -