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Suzhou to Zhangjiajie Train

Only 1 Suzhou to Zhangjiajie train serves passengers with a duration of 24.5 hours daily.

The ticket price of the soft sleeper from Suzhou to Zhangjiajie is CNY 575, of the hard sleeper is CNY 382, and of the hard seat is CNY 198.  

The only 1 Suzhou to Zhangjiajie train starts from Suzhou Railway Station and arrives at Zhangjiajie Railway Station. Besides the only 1 train, more options are listed in the following. Passengers can choose flexibly arrcoding to your own traveling plans.

Suzhou to Zhangjiajie Train Tickets Booking


Other Transportation Options from Suzhou to Zhangjiajie

Transfer at Hangzhou East Railway Station

Suzhou to Hangzhou East Hangzhou East to Zhangjiajie Overall  Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat / Hard Sleeper
G7563 16:29 -18:06 K1373 19:16 -12:57 20h28m CNY 111.5+CNY 341.5=CNY 453
G1583 16:05 -17:27 20h55m CNY 110+CNY 341.5=CNY 451.5

Transfer at Shanghai  

Suzhou to Shanghai Shanghai South to Zhangjiajie Overall  Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat / Hard Sleeper
G7229 14:26-15:02 K1373 16:49-12:57 22h31m CNY 39.5+CNY 367.5=CNY 407
G7013 14:14-14:39 22h43m

 How to get to Shanghai South Railway Station from Shanghai Railway Station
Passenger can take metro line 1 from Shanghai Railway Station to Shanghai South Railway Station.  
Suzhou to Shanghai Hongqiao Shanghai South to Zhangjiajie Overall  Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat / Hard Sleeper
G211 14:17-14:41 K1373 16:49 -12:57 22h40m CNY 34.5+CNY 367.5=CNY 402
G113 14:09-14:33 22h48m
G109 13:51-14:17 23h6m
G7131 14:03-14:29 22h54m CNY 39.5+CNY 367.5=CNY 407
G7583 13:58-14:37 22h59m
G7229 14:26-15:02 22h31m
D3009 13:47-14:22 23h10m CNY 31+CNY 367.5=CNY 398.5

 How to get to Shanghai South Railway Station from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station
From Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, passengers can take metro line 10 and get off at Hongqiao Road, then transfer to metro line 3 and get off at Shanghai South Railway Station. 

Suzhou to Shanghai Trains + Shanghai to Zhangjiajie Flights

To get to Zhangjiajie, passengers can combine bullet trains and flights together. First, passengers can take bullet trains from Suzhou North Railway Station to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, then transfer to flights flying from Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Zhangjiajie Hehua International Airport. A single trip takes about 6.5 hours totally.     

 How to get to Shanghai Pudong International Airport from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station
Passengers can take metro line 2 at Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station stop and get off at Guanglan Road, then transfer to east extension of metro line 2 and get off at Pudong International Airport station. It takes about 1.5 hours, costing CNY8.  

Zhangjiajie to Suzhou Train:

Only 1 Zhangjiajie to Suzhou normal train is operated on a daily basis with a duration of nearly 23 hours. 

See detailed Suzhou Train Schedule & Zhangjiajie Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Suzhou to:

Major Rail Lines from Zhangjiajie to:
- Last updated on Feb. 03, 2023 by Brenda Lian -