Jishou - Zhangjiajie Train
Currently, Jishou and Zhangjiajie are connected by more than 17 pairs of high speed trains and over a pair of normal speed trains on a daily basis. It takes 38 to 55 minutes for bullet trains, and a second class seat charges CNY 63 - 79.
For normal ones, with a running distance of 125 km (77 mi), about 2 - 3 hours are needed to finish a single ride. Besides, at least CNY 15.5 will be taken for a hard seat ticket.
Operated at: Jishou East Railway Station, Zhangjiajie West Railway Station
Duration: about 38 - 55 minutes
Major stations along the way: Furongzhen, Guzhang West
(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Around 18 departures in total: departure time from 09:15 to 21:38; duration from 39M to 54M.
(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Around 17 departures in total: departure time from 07:17 to 21:57; duration from 38M to 55M.
See more Zhangjiajie Schedule
Note: The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.
(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Operated at: Jishou Railway Station, Zhangjiajie Railway Station
Duration: about 2 - 3 hours
Distance: 125 km (77 mi)
Top speed: 100/ 120/ 140 km/h (62/ 75/ 87mph)
(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Note: The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.
(Last Update on Jan 17, 2025)
Passengers can take bus no. 1 directly from the railway station to arrive at Qianzhou Ancient City. The total duration is about 50 minutes with a ticket price of CNY 2. About 20 minutes is needed if taking taxi and the ticket fare will be around CNY 21.
After getting out of the railway station, passengers can walk for a while to reach Jishou North Bus Station where many coaches run between the two places from 07:00 to 17:40 with an interval of about 30 minutes. The duration on the way is about 1 hour with a ticket price of CNY 25 per person.
When getting out of the West Station, passengers can take tourist bus at the visitor distribution center located on the right side of the exit to get to Wulingyuan area, taking about 0.5 hours and costsing CNY 13 for a single ride.
Having exited the railway station, passengers can walk towards west for a while to reach Zhangjiajie Central Bus Station. From there, they can take coaches before 18:00, to the famous spot directly. The ticket fare is CNY 13 per person with the duration of about 40 minutes.
Major Rail Lines from Zhangjiajie to:
Major Rail Line from Jishou to:
For normal ones, with a running distance of 125 km (77 mi), about 2 - 3 hours are needed to finish a single ride. Besides, at least CNY 15.5 will be taken for a hard seat ticket.
Jishou - Zhangjiajie High Speed Train
Basic Facts:
Duration: about 38 - 55 minutes
Major stations along the way: Furongzhen, Guzhang West
Jishou to Zhangjiajie Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G6430 | 09:15 - 10:09 | 0h54m |
G9724 | 11:55 - 12:34 | 0h39m |
G6080 | 14:14 - 14:53 | 0h39m |
G5890 | 17:02 - 17:48 | 0h46m |
G6152 | 21:38 - 22:20 | 0h42m |
Zhangjiajie to Jishou Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1367 | 07:34 - 08:19 | 0h45m |
G687 | 10:40 - 11:25 | 0h45m |
G6437 | 12:08 - 13:01 | 0h53m |
G6473 | 17:14 - 17:52 | 0h38m |
G6497 | 19:13 - 20:05 | 0h52m |
See more Zhangjiajie Schedule
Note: The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.
Jishou - Zhangjiajie Normal Train Ticket Fare
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 249 - 276 USD 34 - 38 | CNY 101 - 126 USD 14 - 17 | CNY 63 - 79 USD 9 - 11 |
Jishou - Zhangjiajie Normal Speed Train
Basic Facts:
Duration: about 2 - 3 hours
Distance: 125 km (77 mi)
Top speed: 100/ 120/ 140 km/h (62/ 75/ 87mph)
Jishou to Zhangjiajie Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
7266 | 09:12 - 11:54 | 2h42m |
K268 | 10:23 - 12:14 | 1h51m |
K1374 | 16:00 - 18:06 | 2h6m |
K4522 | 17:05 - 19:21 | 2h16m |
Zhangjiajie to Jishou Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
7265 | 08:45 - 11:49 | 3h4m |
Jishou - Zhangjiajie Normal Train Ticket Fare
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 105.5 USD 14 | CNY 73.5 USD 10 | CNY 15.5 - 19.5 USD 2 - 3 |
Other Transportation Option: Jishou - Zhangjiajie Coach
Taking coaches is another choice that can be considered by passengers. By far, there are over 6 pairs of coaches running between Jishou and Zhangjiajie from 08:00 to 18:00 daily. The duration to complete a single journey is about 3.5 hours and a bus ticket costs CNY 55.
How to Reach the Following Attractions from Jishou Railway Station
To Qianzhou Ancient City:
After getting out of the railway station, passengers can walk for a while to reach Jishou North Bus Station where many coaches run between the two places from 07:00 to 17:40 with an interval of about 30 minutes. The duration on the way is about 1 hour with a ticket price of CNY 25 per person.
How to Reach Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area
From Zhangjiajie West Railway Station
From Zhangjiajie Railway Station

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- Last updated on Jan. 20, 2025 by Brenda Lian -