About 21 pairs of high speed trains run between Chongqing West/ Chongqing North Railway Station and Guilin/ Guilin North/ Guilin West Railway Station daily with distance of about 750 kilometers (470 miles). It costs around CNY 468 - 746 for a first class seat and about CNY 273 - 467 for a second class seat.
No normal speed overnight sleeper trains are in service between the two cities at present.
Chongqing to Guilin Train Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 3, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D1793 | 07:09 - 12:03 | 4h54m |
G3723 | 10:06 - 13:49 | 3h43m |
D1825 | 12:20 - 16:42 | 4h22m |
G2239 | 13:26 - 17:52 | 4h26m |
G3749 | 14:45 - 18:42 | 3h57m |
Around 21 departures in total: departure time from 07:00 to 14:45; duration from 3H43M to 5H34M.
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Chongqing Schedule Guilin to Chongqing Train Timetable
(Last Update on Jan 3, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G3722 | 09:43 - 13:41 | 3h58m |
G3740 | 11:05 - 15:22 | 4h17m |
D1826 | 13:41 - 18:49 | 5h8m |
G3728 | 15:27 - 19:19 | 3h52m |
G2930 | 17:47 - 22:00 | 4h13m |
Around 21 departures in total: departure time from 09:43 to 18:04; duration from 3H53M to 5H19M.
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Guilin Schedule Notes:
1. The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
2. Clear your departure time/station and arrival time/station to avoid getting on or off at the wrong stop.
Ticket Fare of Chongqing - Guilin Train
(Last Update on Jan 3, 2025)
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat | CNY 895 - 1,426 USD 124 - 197 | CNY 468 - 746 USD 65 - 103 | CNY 273 - 467 USD 38 - 65 |
Running Route of Chongqing - Guilin High Speed Train

Chongqing West - Guiyang East: It is also called YuGui High Speed Railway that was opened on January 25, 2018, and major stations along the way are Luohuang South, Qijiang East, Ganshui East, Tongzi North, Loushanguan South, Zunyi, Longkeng, Zunyi South, Xifeng and Xiuwenxian.

Guiyang East - Guilin: This is a section of
Guiyang – Guangzhou High Speed Railway opened on December 25, 2014 and passing by Longdongbao Airport, Longli North, Guidingxian, Duyun East, Sanduxian, Rongjiang, Congjiang and Sanjiang North.
Which Station to Choose in Guilin

Guilin Railway Station: Located in the downtown, it is the main passenger station of the city with convenient transportation. It is recommended to use this station if the schedule fits your travel time.

North Railway Station: It is 10 kilometers (6miles) away from the center of the city. There you can transfer by various transportations, such as city bus, coach, taxi and airport shuttle bus.

West Railway Station: Although the station has more departures and arrivals, it is not so recommended as it is a little far from the central city and facilities here are not perfect. There are only No.20 city bus connecting the downtown.

Major Rail Lines from Chongqing to:

Major Rail Lines from Guilin to:

Reading More:
How to Travel between Guilin and Chongqing
- Last updated on Jan. 03, 2025 by Grace Yang -