Guilin Transportation

How to Travel between Guilin and Chongqing

The distance between Guilin and Chongqing is about 850 kilometers (530 miles). Taking direct high speed trains is the most recommended way to travel between the two cities. The duration is 3.5 - 6 hours; the second class seat only takes CNY275 to CNY324.

How to Travel from Guilin to Chongqing

Best High Speed Train: 3.5 – 6 hours, CNY275-324 for 2nd Class Seat

Flight Number 21 departures 
Dep. Time 07:16 - 18:06
Duration 3.5-6h
Ticket Fare 2nd Class Seat: CNY275-324;
1st Class Seat: CNY439-508;
Business Class Seat: CNY535-940
Dep. - Arr. Guilin West Railway StationGuilin Railway StationGuilin North Railway Station to Chongqing West Railway StationChongqing North Railway Station

How to Travel from Guilin to Chongqing Famous Attractions

To Chaotianmen Dock
→ Take a high speed train to Chongqing West or Chongqing North Railway Station.
→ From Chongqing West Railway Station, take metro line 5 to Shiqiaopu, then transfer to line 1 to Chaotianmen. From Chongqing North Railway Station, take metro line 10 to Qixinggang, then transfer to line 1 to Chaotianmen.

To Hongya Cave
→ Take a high speed train to Chongqing West or Chongqing North Railway Station.
→ From North Railway Station, take metro line 10 to Hongtudi, then transfer to line 6 and get off at Xiaoshizi. Walk westward to get there. From West Railway Station, take metro line 5 to Shiqiaopu, then transfer to line 1 and get off at Xioashizi, then walk westward to Hongya Cave.

To Ci Qi Kou
→ Take a high speed train to Chongqing West or Chongqing North Railway Station.
→ From North Railway Station, take Metro Circle Line to Shapingba, transfer to line 1 and get off at Ciqikou, then follow the board sign to the ancient town. From West Railway Station, take Metro Circle Line to Shapingba, then transfer to line 1 and get off at Ciqikou Station.

How to Travel from Chongqing to Guilin

Chongqing to Guilin High Speed Train: 3.5-5.5h, CNY268-321 for 2nd Class Seat

Flight Number 23 departures 
Dep. Time 07:00 - 18:02
Duration 3.5-5.5h
Ticket Fare 2nd Class Seat: CNY268-321
1st Class Seat: CNY429-508
Business Class Seat: CNY535-933
Dep. - Arr. Chongqing West Railway StationChongqing North Railway Station - Guilin West Railway Station/ Guilin Railway Station/ Guilin North Railway Station

How to Travel from Chongqing to Guilin Elephant Trunk Hill

First, you can take a high speed train from Chongqing to Guilin North Railway Station or Guilin West Railway Station and then take local city bus to the Elephant Trunk Hill.

→ From Guilin North Railway Station to Elephant Trunk Hill: 45 minutes, CNY 2
You can take bus nos.100 outside the Guilin North Railway Station and get off at Yangqiao. Then, walk east for about 700 meters (770 yards) and you will see the entrance of the scenic spot.

→ From Guilin West Railway Station to Elephant Trunk Hill: 1 hour, CNY 2
When you get out from the Guilin West Railway Station, you can take bus nos. 22 to Ximenqiao. Then walk east for about 1,000 meters (1,100 yards)

- Last updated on Oct. 17, 2023 by Gabby Li -
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