Guilin - Yangshuo High Speed Train

About 22 high speed trains are operated from Guilin to Yangshuo, and about 33 from Yangshuo to Guilin. The running distance is about 80 kilometers (50 miles) and travel time is about half an hour. Ticket price for a second class seat is CNY22 - 31. Passengers should notice that these bullet trains stop at three different railway stations in Guilin, so they need to read the tickets carefully and find the correct station to take the train.

Basic Facts:

 Distance: 80 kilometers (50 miles)
 Top Speed: 250 km/h (155 mph)
 Duration: 20 – 47min
 Operated at: Guilin  / Guilin North / Guilin West Railway Station, Yangshuo Railway Station
Guilin  - Yangshuo High Speed Train
Guilin - Yangshuo High Speed Train

Guilin to Yangshuo High Speed Train Schedule

(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
D298507:50 - 08:140h24m
D826510:39 - 11:030h24m
D189511:28 - 11:520h24m
D181317:04 - 17:270h23m
D828020:18 - 21:050h47m
Around 22 departures in total: departure time from 07:50 to 20:40; duration is 21M to 47M.
See more Guilin Schedule
 (Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
D826208:58 - 09:250h27m
G371410:25 - 10:450h20m
D826613:55 - 14:210h26m
G193617:09 - 17:290h20m
D186420:10 - 20:330h23m
Around 33 departures in total: departure time from 08:38 to 21:33; duration is 20M to 41M. 
Note: The timetable above is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.

Ticket Fare of Guilin - Yangshuo High Speed Trains

(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Business Class SeatFirst Class SeatSecond Class Seat
CNY 76 - 84
USD 11 - 12
CNY 35 - 50
USD 5 - 7
CNY 22 - 31
USD 3 - 4
Guilin - Yangshuo Bus
Guilin - Yangshuo Bus

Which station to use in Guilin

 Guilin Railway Station:
Located in the city center, this station is frequently used for those in urban area. It can be easily reached by city bus nos. 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 16, 19, 22, 88, 91, K99, and 100. However, only 2 trains from and 3 to Yangshuo are operated here and they take the longest time of over 40 minutes.

 North Railway Station:
Located in the northern suburban area, the station can be easily reached by bus nos. 1, 32, 83, 100, 211 and airport shuttle bus. About 10 trains from and 13 to Yangshuo can be caught here. Duration is just 23-27 minutes.

 West Railway Station:
Located in the western suburban area, West Station operates over 10 trains from and 20 to Yangshuo, and duration is about 20-25 minutes. However, transportation around this station is not convenient. Only city bus nos. 22, 303 and K307 can be found here.

To sum up, it is advised to use the North Railway Station in most cases because of its moderate train departures and convenient transportation.

Guilin – Yangshuo Train vs. Coach

Aside from a high speed rail trip, passengers can also take a coach to travel between the two places. Over 35 long-distance buses are operated daily, taking 1.5 hours for a single trip. Ticket fare is about CNY27/35 based on the different stations. Facilities and services on coaches are not as good as that on high speed trains. Also, bullet trains only take 20min – 47min. It is a pity that Yanghsuo Railway Station is about 34 kilometers (21 miles) from the downtown area. Transportation around is not that convenient. However, if arriving by long-distance bus, tourists will get off inside the downtown area directly. In this case, they can go to the West Street, Li River, Yulong River and other attraction sites easily.

West Street
West Street
Appreciating Li River on the Cruise
Appreciating Li River on the Cruise

 See also:
How to Travel from Guilin to Yangshuo 

How to Travel from Yangshuo to Guilin 

Major Rail Lines from Guilin to:
Major Rail Lines from Yangshuo to:
- Last updated on Jan. 19, 2025 by Grace Yang -