Around 50 pairs of high speed trains are running between Guangzhou and Guiyang, with the shortest travel time of about 3H39M. The cheapest ticket for a second class seat is CNY 277.

Open Date: December 26th, 2014

Distance: 532 miles (857 km)

Top Speed: 186 mph (300 km/h)

Duration: about 3.5 - 6.5 hours

Guiyang North, Guiyang East, Longli North, Guidingxian, Duyun East, Sanduxian, Rongjiang, Congjiang, Sanjiang South,
Guilin North,
Guilin West,
Yangshuo, Gongcheng, Hezhou, Huaiji, Guangning, Zhaoqing East, Sanshui South,
Guangzhou South  | Guiyang - Guangzhou High Speed Railway Map | |  | Guiyang - Guangzhou High Speed Train | |
Guiyang to Guangzhou High Speed Train Schedule
(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1935 | 07:32 - 11:38 | 4h6m |
D1857 | 09:59 - 16:19 | 6h20m |
D1835 | 12:02 - 17:18 | 5h16m |
D1865 | 16:37 - 22:31 | 5h54m |
G2925 | 18:52 - 22:45 | 3h53m |
Around 50 departures in total: departure time from 06:21 to 18:52; duration from 3H40M to 6H20M.
See more
Guiyang Schedule Guangzhou to Guiyang Bullet Train Schedule
(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D1802 | 06:36 - 11:43 | 5h7m |
D1858 | 10:05 - 15:33 | 5h28m |
G3702 | 12:02 - 15:52 | 3h50m |
G2936 | 15:28 - 20:07 | 4h39m |
D1868 | 18:04 - 23:13 | 5h9m |
Nearly 50 departures in total: departure time from 06:36 to 18:04; duration from 3H39M to 6H17M.
See more
Guangzhou ScheduleNote: The timetable is for reference only. For real-time schedule, please search for it by the tool on top of the page.
Ticket Fare of Guiyang - Guangzhou High Speed Train
(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat | CNY 957 - 1,305 USD 136 - 185 | CNY 443 - 598.5 USD 63 - 85 | CNY 277 - 373 USD 39 - 53 |
Note: The price differences are caused by different operation stations.
Which Station to Choose / How to Get There:

Guiyang North Railway Station: This station operates bullet trains, nevertheless it is a little far from city center. City buses and coaches within easy reach from the station connect passengers directly to attraction sites.
By Bus: 56, 65, 66, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 270, 277, 702, K802, 802, B1, B2, B5, B6, B8, B236, B267, B268, B292, Guanshan Line 8
By Subway: Line 9

Guiyang East Railway Station: Located about 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) driving away from downtown, this train station mainly runs high speed trains.
By Bus: 15, 106, 270, K271, 272, 274, 275
By Subway: Line 1, 3

Guangzhou South Railway Station: Passengers have more choices when depart from here. Transportation around here is pretty convenient.
By Subway:
Line 2, 7, 22, Foshan Line 2
By Bus: Night Line 1, 2, 3, 4, 20, 61, 79, 102, 110; 288A, 301A, 303A, 309A, 312, Pan52, Pan99, Pan100, Pan108b, Pan110, Pan129, Pan145

Guangzhou Railway Station: It is closer to the city center and passengers can easily go to other places from here, but only one pair of trains to/from Guiyang are operated.
By Subway:
line 2 and
line 5By Bus: 52, 176, 210, 211, 254, 257, 543, 803, 807A, 807, 862B, B2A, B2, B10, night bus lines (7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 18, 25, 41, 55, 77, 79, 88, 94, 96)
What to see along the Way
Traveling through typical
karst landforms, the high speed railway goes through amazing and unique natural scenery, and famous cultural sites.
 | Night View of Jiaxiu Tower & Baihua Lake | |  | Picturesque Li River | |

In Guiyang:
Jiaxiu Tower & Baihua Lake,
Qingyan Ancient Town,
Flower Stream Park,
Tianhe Pool Scenic Area,
Qianling Hill Park
In Guilin:
Li River,
Elephant Trunk Hill,
Impression Sanjie Liu,
West Street (Xi Jie)
In Guangzhou:
Yuexiu Park,
Pearl River
See also:
How to Travel between Guangzhou and Guiyang
Major Rail Lines from Guiyang to:

Major Rail Lines from Guangzhou to:
- Last updated on Nov. 22, 2024 by Grace Yang -