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Chongqing to Lijiang Train

At present, there is no direct train from Chongqing to Lijiang. But with a transfer in Kunming South Railway Station, passengers can easily travel from Chongqing to Lijiang by high speed train. The total travel time on the train is around 9 hours and the total ticket cost is CNY 575 - 582.

Another more time-saving mean that passenger can directly to Lijiang is to take a flight, which takes about two hours for a single ride. A ticket price of an economy class seat ranges from CNY 460 to 650.

Chongqing to Kunming to Lijiang High Speed Train Schedule & Ticket Fare

Chongqing West – Kunming South Kunming South – Lijiang Overall Travel Time Ticket Fare(CNY)
(Second Class Seat)
G2871 08:00 - 12:42 D8785 13:48 - 17:08 8H58M 344.5 + 230.5 = 575
G2883 10:17 - 14:29 D8767 15:30 - 19:29 9H12M 351.5 + 230.5 = 582
G2885 11:29 - 16:11 D8789 17:00 - 20:32 9H3M
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.

If you want to have a rest, you can choose to stay in Kunming for one night. After adequate rest, you can take the high speed train to Lijiang. Or if you have enough time, you can have a visit in Kunming for one or two days. As one of the famous historical and cultural cities in China, Kunming has a long history and splendid culture. In addition, Kunming enjoys the reputation of “Spring City” because of its beautiful scenery and spring-like climate. You can arrange your tour on your own pace. Some scenic spots, such as the Stone Forest, Dianchi Lake, Green Lake Park and Grand View Park, are worth your deep visit. 

Chongqing to Lijiang Flight

Taking flights saves much time. There are about five direct flights from Chongqing to Lijiang every day, which take about two hours for a single ride. A ticket price of an economy class seat ranges from CNY460 to CNY650.

Where to Go in Lijiang: Lijiang Old Town

Lijiang Old Town is a symbol of the profound history and culture of Lijiang. Its unique cultural characteristics make it popular. It is mentioned that the nightlife of Lijiang will never disappoint you. There are various recreational activities with strong ethnic characteristics played in the old town. Thanks to its geographical location, Lijiang boasts many famous natural attractions, such as Ganhaizi, Baishui River and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain with beautiful scenery and magnificent scenery. They are all good places to visit mountains and rivers. You will have a joyful experience here.

Lijiang to Chongqing Train

From Lijiang to Chongqing, you need to transfer at Kunming. There are 20 high speed trains from Lijiang to Kunming South and over 10 high speed trains from Kunming to Chongqing. It takes around 3.5 hours and 5 hours respectively. The total cost is CNY 572. You can also take Lijiang to Chongqing direct flights which takes about 2 hours. A ticket price of an economy class seat is CNY 330 - 540.

See detailed Chongqing Train Schedule and Lijiang Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Chongqing to:

Major Rail Line from Lijiang to:
- Last updated on Jan. 25, 2021 -
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