Guilin to Lijiang Train
Currently, 2 Guilin to Lijiang high speed trains are operated from Guilin Railway Station or Guilin North Railway Station to Lijiang Railway Station.
It takes about 1.5 hours to finish the travel distance of 1,510 kilometers (938 miles).
It costs CNY 621.5 for a second class seat and CNY 992.5 for a first class seat.
Passengers can also transfer at Kunming South Railway Station for more trains.
Guilin to Lijiang Train Ticket Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration |
Running Route of Guilin to Lijiang High Speed Train
Transfer at Kunming South Railway Station
Guilin North – Kunming South | Kunming South - Lijiang | Overall Duration | Ticket Price (CNY) Second Class Seat |
G2942: 08 : 10 – 12 : 55 | D8785: 13 : 48 – 17 : 08 | 8H58M | 373.5 + 230.5 = 604 |
G2946: 12 : 25 – 17 : 26 | D8793: 19 : 01 – 22 : 21 | 9H56M | |
G2942: 08 : 10 – 12 : 55 | D8767: 15 : 40 – 19 : 44 | 11H34M | |
D3903: 07 : 16 – 14 : 31 | D8767: 15 : 40 – 19 : 44 | 12H28M | 393.5 + 230.5 = 624 |
Where to go in Lijiang
Located under the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the Lijiang Old Town has a history of nearly a thousand year. It is the first ancient town entered in the World Cultural Heritage List in China. The streets in the town are built near mountains and by rivers. Most of them were paved with red breccia, which complement the ancient city’s environment. Beautiful sceneries can be found everywhere in the Old Town of Lijiang, and it’s perfect for a vacation in all seasons.
Square Street (Sifangjie)
Lijiang to Guilin Train

- Last updated on Feb. 03, 2023 by Brenda Lian -