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Hangzhou to Lijiang Trains

Currently, no train from Hangzhou to Lijiang is in service.

To travel between the two cities, passengers can transfer at Kunming Railway Station or Kunming South Railway Station for trains to Lijiang Railway Station.

If you transfer at Kunming Railway Station, the overall duration is about 38 - 41.5 hours with a cost of 659.5 - 688.5. And if transfer at Kunming South, you may need to stay at Kunming for one night. The total cost of second class seats is CNY 988 - 1,029.

Transfer in Kunming Railway Station

Hangzhou South to Kunming Kunming to Lijiang Overall Travel Time Ticket Price Hard sleeper /
Second Class Seat
K739 22:20 – 08:23 (+2) C454 09:15 – 13:16 40h56m CNY 477.5 + CNY 182 = CNY 659.5
K79 20:47 – 06:12 (+2) C9514 06:53 – 10:34 37h47m
T381 18:56 – 07:46 (+2) C446 08:21 – 12:28 41h32m CNY 506.5 + CNY 182 = CNY 688.5

Transfer in Kunming South Railway Station

Hangzhou East to Kunming South

Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Ticket Price
second class seat
G1421 07:19 19:01 11h42m CNY 806
G1377 10:28 22:02 11h34m CNY 847
G1375 12:07 23:35 11h28m CNY 806

Kunming to Lijiang

Departure Time Arrival Time Duration Ticket Price
second class seat
C9514 06:53 10:34 3h41m CNY 182
C450 12:28 16:30 4h2m
C642 06:42 21:36 4h54m

You need to stay in Kunming for one night when you get off Hangzhou East to Kunming South train if you choose to transfer at Kunming South Railway Station. And the total ticket fare is CNY 1,029 at most.

 See more Kunming Train Schedule

Where to Go in Lijiang

As one of the famous historical and cultural cities in China, Lijiang Old Town attracts millions of people here. The ancient city of Lijiang has a variety of local ethnic customs and entertainment activities, such as Naxi Ancient Music, Dongba Ceremony, Divination Culture, Ancient Town Bar and Naxi Torch Festival. The ancient city of Lijiang reflects the achievements of ancient Chinese urban construction and it deserves to visit for tourists.

There are many tourism attractions in Yulong Snow Mountain including Glacier Park, Blue Moon Valley, Spruce Meadow and Yak Meadow. You can not only enjoy the beautiful snow scenery here, but also ski in the ski resort. The snow is good for skiing in the whole year. At the same time, it is the warmest ski resort in the world.

Tiger Leaping Gorge is one of the deepest canyons in China. To the east is the Yulong Snow Mountain, and to the west is the Haba Snow Mountain in Shangri-la. The vertical height difference of the canyon is more than 3,900 meters (12,795 feet). Tiger Leaping Gorge is famous for its danger. Although this brings inconvenience to take a boat, the breathtaking and magnificent canyon scenery still attracts many tourists to visit and explore here.

Jade Lake Village is a scenic spot which takes Naxi national culture as its core and is perfectly integrated with the natural landscape. Now it has become the main tourist attraction of Lijiang. Also, it is designated as the Dongba Culture Heritage Base and Baishaxiyue Music Heritage Base. Jade Lake Village remains the simplicity of the Naxi people, and the tourists can fully feel the traditional Naxi national culture from the architectural facilities and the living details here.

Lijiang to Hangzhou Trains

At present, no Lijiang to Hangzhou train is in service. You can transfer in Kunming for trains to get to Hangzhou.

See detailed Hangzhou Train Schedule & Lijiang Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Hangzhou to:

Major Rail Line from Lijiang to:
- Last updated on Dec. 24, 2024 by Grace Yang -