Lijiang to Kunming Train
At present, 9 high speed trains are running from Lijiang to Kunming on a daily basis. These high speed trains are all supported by Lijiang Railway Station and Kunming Railway Station. The travel time is 3.5 to 4.5 hours and the ticket price for a first class seat is CNY 278 - 303, and for a second class seat is CNY 174 - 190.
Except these high speed trains, 1 normal speed train is also in service, taking the travel time of 9 hours to finish the total distance of 517 kilometers (321 miles). A soft sleeper costs CNY 194 and a hard sleeper costs CNY 130.
Lijiang Old Town and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain are the beautiful places to go. There is no doubt that tourists who are bored of the hustle and bustle life in city are worthy of visiting the old town to appreciate its’ beauty and enjoy a more relaxing life style. As for the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain also known as Mt. Yulong, it got its name because of the snow and the shape of the mountain which looks like a dragon in distance. In there, tourists can go skiing, visit Ganhaizi Grassland and Blue Moon Valley, and most importantly, watch the spectacular Impression Lijiang Show.
Kunming Stone Forest and Dianchi Lake Scenic Area are top scenic spots to visit in Kunming.
Kunming Stone Forest embraces an extraordinary set of limestone groups. Key attractions in the stone forest include Greater & Lesser Stone Forests, Naigu Stone Forest, Zhiyun Cave, Long Lake, Moon Lake, Dadie Waterfall, Qifeng Cave and Guishan Mountain.
Dianchi Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province. Along the lake, many famous scenic areas can be found including Yunnan Nationalities Village where social customs of the ethnic groups in Yunnan can be learned, Grand View Park where rock gardens can be spotted and White Fish Park, the place to appreciate the beautiful cherry blossom in spring.
See also Kunming - Lijiang Train
See detailed Lijiang Train Schedule & Kunming Train Schedule
Further Reading: How to Travel between Kunming and Lijiang
Major Rail Lines from Lijiang to:
Major Rail Lines from Kunming to:
Except these high speed trains, 1 normal speed train is also in service, taking the travel time of 9 hours to finish the total distance of 517 kilometers (321 miles). A soft sleeper costs CNY 194 and a hard sleeper costs CNY 130.
Lijiang to Kunming Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
C452 Details of the Train C452:
4H7M | 07:56 Lijiang | 12:03 Kunming | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
C644 Details of the Train C644:
4H18M | 08:36 Lijiang | 12:54 Kunming | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
C640 Details of the Train C640:
4H30M | 11:34 Lijiang | 16:04 Kunming | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
C456 Details of the Train C456:
4H17M | 12:50 Lijiang | 17:07 Kunming | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
C460 Details of the Train C460:
4H2M | 17:00 Lijiang | 21:02 Kunming | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
C96 Details of the Train C96:
3H24M | 18:39 Lijiang | 22:03 Kunming | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
C598 Details of the Train C598:
4H4M | 19:08 Lijiang | 23:12 Kunming | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
C124 Details of the Train C124:
3H37M | 20:11 Lijiang | 23:48 Kunming | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
C448 Details of the Train C448:
3H32M | 20:25 Lijiang | 23:57 Kunming | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Y754 Details of the Train Y754:
8H58M | 20:36 Lijiang | 05:34+1 Kunming |
Where to Go in Lijiang
Where to Go in Kunming
Kunming Stone Forest embraces an extraordinary set of limestone groups. Key attractions in the stone forest include Greater & Lesser Stone Forests, Naigu Stone Forest, Zhiyun Cave, Long Lake, Moon Lake, Dadie Waterfall, Qifeng Cave and Guishan Mountain.
Dianchi Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Yunnan Province. Along the lake, many famous scenic areas can be found including Yunnan Nationalities Village where social customs of the ethnic groups in Yunnan can be learned, Grand View Park where rock gardens can be spotted and White Fish Park, the place to appreciate the beautiful cherry blossom in spring.

- Last updated on Feb. 28, 2025 by Grace Yang -