The distance of the high speed railway line between Wuhan and Fuzhou is about 870 - 930 km (541 - 578 mi). So far, there are over 7 pairs of high speed trains operated between the 2 cities with the duration of approximately 5.5 - 7 hours. The lowest price of a second class ticket is CNY 269.5. In addition, 2 pairs of normal speed trains are also available with the duration of about 8 - 12 hours.
Wuhan - Fuzhou High Speed Train
Basic Facts:

Open date: September 26th, 2013

Operated at:
Hankou Railway Station,
Fuzhou South Railway Station
Duration: about 5.5 - 7 hours

Distance: about 870 - 930 km (541 - 578 mi)

Top speed: 200/ 250/ 300 km/h (124/ 155/ 186 mph)

Major stations along the way: Huangshi, Lushan, Shangrao,
Nanchang West, Daye North, Wuyishan North, Jingdezhen North
Wuhan to Fuzhou High Speed Train Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 8, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D3263 | 08:59 - 15:05 | 6h6m |
G2045 | 10:36 - 16:17 | 5h41m |
G647 | 11:07 - 18:09 | 7h2m |
G1647 | 14:33 - 20:30 | 5h57m |
D3265 | 14:47 - 21:09 | 6h22m |
D2228 | 15:21 - 22:04 | 6h43m |
D2225 | 15:55 - 22:04 | 6h9m |
D2244 | 15:59 - 22:30 | 6h31m |
D2241 | 16:28 - 22:30 | 6h2m |
See more
Wuhan Schedule Fuzhou to Wuhan Bullet Train Timetable
(Last Update on Jan 8, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D2242 | 07:02 - 12:57 | 5h55m |
G1648 | 07:52 - 14:10 | 6h18m |
D3266 | 08:05 - 14:26 | 6h21m |
G2046 | 08:34 - 14:05 | 5h31m |
D2226 | 08:35 - 15:36 | 7h1m |
G648 | 10:14 - 17:04 | 6h50m |
D3264 | 15:34 - 21:17 | 5h43m |
See more
Fuzhou Schedule Note: The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on page top.
Wuhan - Fuzhou High Speed Train Ticket Fares
(Last Update on Jan 8, 2025)
| Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
G trains | CNY 872.5 - 1,276 USD 120 - 175 | CNY 465 - 659 USD 64 - 91 | CNY 291 - 398 USD 40 - 55 |
D trains | --- | CNY 431 - 470 USD 59 - 65 | CNY 269.5 - 293.5 USD 37 - 40 |
Running Routes of Bullet Trains between Wuhan and Fuzhou

Wuhan - Jiujiang: Currently, both G and D types run along this section. This high speed railway line was opened on September 21st, 2017 with the operating speed of 250 km/h (155 mph).

G type: Jiujiang - Shangrao - Fuzhou: This section is a part of high speed railway line opened on June 28th, 2015 with the operating speed of 300 km/h (155 mph).

D type: Jiujiang - Nanchang - Fuzhou: This section consists of a part of Jiujiang - Nanchang High Speed Railway and a part of Xiangtan - Putian Railway. Jiujiang - Nanchang High Speed Railway was opened in 2010 with the top design speed of 250 km/h (155 mph). The Xiangtan - Putian Railway was opened in 2013 with the top running speed of 200 km/h (124 mph). It is not a high speed railway line, but it has the ability to carry D trains.
Normal Speed Train of Wuhan - Fuzhou
Basic Facts:

Operated at:
Wuchang Railway Station, Fuzhou Railway Station

Distance: about 900 - 980 km (559 - 609 mi)

Duration: about 8 - 12 hours

Top speed: 120/ 140 km/h (75/ 87 mph)

Major stations along the way: Ezhou, Huangshi, Yangxin, Gongqingcheng,
Nanchang, Fuzhou in Jiangxi, Sanming North
Wuhan to Fuzhou Train Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 8, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K1267 | 07:01 - 19:10 | 12h9m |
Z391 | 10:20 - 18:35 | 8h15m |
Fuzhou to Wuhan Train Timetable
(Last Update on Jan 8, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
Z392 | 10:01 - 18:05 | 8h4m |
K1268 | 11:26 - 23:12 | 11h46m |
Note: The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.
Wuhan - Fuzhou Normal Train Ticket Fare
(Last Update on Jan 8, 2025)
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat | CNY 337 USD 46 | CNY 221 USD 30 | CNY 119 USD 16 |

Major Rail Lines from Wuhan to:

Major Rail Lines from Fuzhou to:
- Last updated on Jan. 08, 2025 by Grace Yang -