Normally there are over 14 pairs of trains running daily between Wuhan and Guilin. Among them, more than 7 pairs are high speed G trains and the other 7 pairs are normal Z, T and K types.
High Speed Trains
Basic Facts:

Duration: about 4 - 7.5 hours

Distance: about 881 km (547mi)

Top speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)

Operated at:
Wuhan Railway Station,
Guilin North Railway Station
Stations along the way: Xianning North, Chibi North, Yueyang East, Miluo East,
Changsha South, Zhuzhou West, Hengshan West,
Hengyang East, Qidong, Qiyang, Yongzhou, Dong'an East, Quanzhou [Guangxi] South, Xing'an North
Wuhan to Guilin High Speed Train Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 8, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G431 | 07:06 - 11:59 | 4h53m |
G3591 | 09:28 - 16:51 | 7h23m |
G1545 | 11:41 - 16:27 | 4h46m |
G423 | 12:24 - 17:10 | 4h46m |
G93 | 13:01 - 16:59 | 3h58m |
G2065 | 14:32 - 19:32 | 5h00m |
G457 | 17:53 - 22:36 | 4h43m |
See more
Wuhan Schedule Guilin to Wuhan Bullet Train Timetable
(Last Update on Jan 8, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G458 | 07:54 - 12:35 | 4h41m |
G2066 | 10:08 - 14:49 | 4h41m |
G1546 | 10:32 - 15:48 | 5h16m |
G424 | 11:36 - 16:45 | 5h9m |
G3592 | 12:17 - 19:34 | 7h17m |
G422 | 12:47 - 16:38 | 3h51m |
G94 | 14:38 - 18:33 | 3h55m |
G432 | 17:30 - 22:35 | 5h5m |
See more
Guilin Schedule Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule by the tool on top of the page.
Wuhan - Guilin High Speed Train Ticket Price
(Last Update on Jan 8, 2025)
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat | CNY 1,085 - 1,300.5 USD 149 - 179 | CNY 558 - 679.5 USD 77 - 93 | CNY 348 - 421.5 USD 48 - 58 |
Normal Trains
Basic Facts:

Duration: around 8 - 12 hours

Top speed: 100/ 120/ 140/ 160 km/h (62/ 75/ 87/ 99 mph)

Operated at:
Wuchang Railway Station, Guilin North Railway Station
Wuhan to Guilin Train Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 8, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K457 | 02:10 - 13:15 | 11h5m |
Z5 | 02:56 - 11:15 | 8h19m |
Z335 | 07:09 - 15:56 | 8h47m |
Z285 | 08:29 - 16:36 | 8h7m |
K157 | 09:05 - 21:06 | 12h1m |
T289 | 10:56 - 20:24 | 9h28m |
K21 | 23:56 - 11:10+ | 11h14m |
Guilin to Wuhan Train Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 8, 2025)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K458 | 04:10 - 15:46 | 11h36m |
K158 | 04:28 - 15:17 | 10h49m |
Z336 | 14:10 - 23:06 | 8h56m |
Z6 | 14:25 - 22:54 | 8h29m |
K22 | 19:17 - 07:02+ | 11h45m |
T290 | 20:07 - 05:23+ | 9h16m |
Z286 | 21:10 - 05:54+ | 8h44m |
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule by the tool on top of the page.
Wuhan - Guilin Train Ticket Price
(Last Update on Jan 8, 2025)
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat | CNY 325 USD 45 | CNY 214 USD 29 | CNY 115 USD 16 |
Although the normal rides take longer time compared with high speed ride, they are still good options, especially those overnight sleeper trains like K21/K22, T290 and Z286. The overnight sleeper type can save the hotel cost and daytime for visiting, thus they are still popular among tourists.
Travelers who are interested in the normal rides may choose Z types first if schedule fits since they are the fastest and has fewer stopovers than K and T types.
Except rail service, a pair of direct flights are offered by Guilin Airlines. The price for flight ticket is usually higher. In this case, bullet trains are more recommended for this trip.

Major Rail Lines from Wuhan to:

Major Rail Lines from Guilin to:
- Last updated on Jan. 09, 2025 by Grace Yang -