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Kunming - Zhangjiajie Train

No high speed trains or normal speed ones are available between Kunming and Zhangjiajie now, but passengers can travel by high speed trains with a transfer in Huaihua or Changsha, taking 5 - 11.5 hours in total on the train. CNY 478 - 791.5 is needed for booking second class seat tickets.

Passengers having a rush schedule can take a connecting flight with a duration of about 4.5 hours.

Transfer in Huaihua or Changsha for High Speed Trains

Transit at Huaihua South

Route  Duration   Ticket Fare 
Kunming South - Huaihua South
4 - 5.5 hours CNY 369 for second class seat
Huaihua South - Zhangjiajie West
1 - 1.5 hours CNY 109 - 136 for second class seat
Total (on the train) 5 - 7 hours CNY 478 - 505 for second class seat

Transit at Changsha South

Route  Duration   Ticket Fare 
Kunming South - Changsha South
5.5 - 7.5 hours CNY 360.5 - 530 for second class seat
Changsha/ Changsha South - Zhangjiajie West
2 - 4 hours  CNY 143 - 261.5 for second class seat
Total (on the train) 7.5 - 11.5 hours  CNY 503.5 - 791.5 for second class seat

Both Changsha and Changsha South Railway Station operate high speed trains to Zhangjiajie. If passengers need to transfer between the two stations to catch next train, taking subway line 2 is the best option. It takes about 30min and costs only CNY 3 one way.

Passengers can also take a direct bus to Zhangjiajie from the bus station to the south of Changsha South Station.

Other option: taking a connecting flight

There are no direct flights between Kunming and Zhangjiajie, but passengers can take a connecting flight with a stopover at Wuhan Tianhe Airport. It takes about 4.5 hours in total. In urgent cases, flight is the best option for this journey. The full price ticket fare is much higher than a train ticket. While, you can always book some discount tickets in a proper time.

A High Speed Railway Connecting Kunming and Zhangjiajie under Construction

A new high speed railway between Tongren in Guizhou Province and Jishou in Hunan Province has been under construction since December 2024 and is expected to open by 2028 with the design running speed of of 250km/h (155mph). This railway is built to link Shanghai - Kunming High Speed Railway and Zhangjiajie - Jishou - Huaihua High Speed Railway; after its completion, Kunming - Zhangjiajie direct high speed trains will be able to operate.

Major Rail Lines from Kunming to:
Major Rail Lines from Zhangjiajie to:
- Last updated on Jan. 14, 2025 by Grace Yang -