Guiyang - Zhangjiajie Train
No high speed or normal trains are in service between Guiyang and Zhangjiajie, but passengers can transit at Huaihua South Railway Station for high speed trains. It takes about 3.5 to 4 hours and the ticket fare for second class seats is about CNY 307.5 in total.
About 54 bullet trains run from Guiyang East/ Guiyang North Railway Station to Huaihua South Railway Station, taking nearly 2 hours. Between Huaihua South and Zhangjiajie West, 20 high speed ones are operated with a duration of about 1.5 hours.
After exiting from the railway station, you can walk west for about 500 meters (550 yards) to find the Central Bus Station. From there, you could take regular tourist buses to the scenic area. The bus journey takes about an hour.
Except the above train options, passenger could take flights instead. There is a pair of direct flights between Guiyang and Zhangjiajie with the duration of about 1.5 hours. A economy class seat costs about CNY 500 - 1,000 in different times.
Major Rail Lines from Guiyang to:
Major Rail Lines from Zhangjiajie to:
About 54 bullet trains run from Guiyang East/ Guiyang North Railway Station to Huaihua South Railway Station, taking nearly 2 hours. Between Huaihua South and Zhangjiajie West, 20 high speed ones are operated with a duration of about 1.5 hours.
Transfer at Huaihua South for High Speed Trains
Overall Travel Time: About 3.5 - 4 hours
Total Ticket Fare: CNY 307.5 for the second class seats
Guiyang to Huaihua to Zhangjiajie Train Schedule & Ticket Fare
Guiyang North to Huaihua South | Huaihua South to Zhangjiajie West | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Fare (CNY) Second Class Seat |
G2160 08:12 - 10:06 | G6438 10:47 - 12:27 | 4h15m | CNY 171.5 + CNY 136 = CNY 307.5 |
G1322 08:51 - 10:37 | G9724 11:15 - 12:34 | 3h43m | |
G1686 09:32 - 11:18 | G6174 12:16 - 13:42 | 4h10m |
How to get to Wulingyuan Scenic Area from Zhangjiajie Railway Station
Taking a flight to travel between Guiyang and Zhangjiajie

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- Last updated on Jan. 08, 2025 by Grace Yang -