At this time, about 51 pairs of high speed G trains are running daily between
Guiyang North Railway Station and
Kunming Railway Station,
Kunming South Railway Station with travel time of around 2.5 to 3.5 hours.
Basic Facts of Guiyang - Kunming High Speed Train

Distance: 289 miles (465 km)

Duration: 2.5-3.5 hours

Designed speed: 186/217 mph (300/350 km/h)

Stations along the way: Guiyang North, Pingba South, Anshun West, Guanling, Pu'anxian, Panzhou, Fuyuan North, Qujing North, Songming, Kunming South, Kunming
Guiyang - Kunming High Speed Train |
Guiyang to Kunming High Speed Train Schedule
(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G2969 | 07:40 - 10:26 | 2h46m |
G2871 | 09:52 - 12:45 | 2h53m |
G2115 | 12:54 - 15:36 | 2h42m |
G409 | 17:15 - 19:43 | 2h28m |
G1681 | 20:21 - 23:09 | 2h48m |
Around 51 departures in total: departure time from 06:56 to 21:12; duration from 2h26m-3h15m.
See more
Guiyang Schedule Kunming to Guiyang Bullet Train Timetable
(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G2832 | 07:00 - 09:33 | 2h33m |
G2970 | 09:18 - 12:05 | 2h47m |
G2850 | 12:17 - 15:02 | 2h45m |
G2122 | 16:20 - 19:11 | 2h51m |
G2982 | 20:15 - 22:56 | 2h41m |
Around 51 departures in total: departure time from 07:00 to 20:15; duration from 2h26m-3h5m.
See more
Kunming Schedule Ticket Fare of Guiyang - Kunming High Speed Train
(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat | CNY 629.5 - 711.5 USD 89 - 101 | CNY 335.5 - 380 USD 48 - 54 | CNY 199.5 - 226.5 USD 28 - 32 |
Guiyang - Kunming Railway Map |
Bullet trains in service: CRH380A, the reputed "plane flying on land"
It is confirmed that CRH380A is used along Guiyang-Kunming high speed railroad. CRH380A, 203 meters (222 yards ) in length, has 8 carriages. It is equipped with 10 business class seats, 28 first class seats, and nearly 500 second class seats. Its experimental speed along
Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway once reached 486 km/h (302 mph), which is the fastest among all CRH trains made in China till now and hence got the reputation of "plane flying on land".
Guiyang-Kunming Normal Trains
Guiyang to Kunming Train Schedule
(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
Z53 | 02:57 - 10:10 | 7h13m |
K137 | 03:32 - 12:00 | 8h28m |
K985 | 15:05 - 23:30 | 8h25m |
Z287 | 20:03 - 04:05+ | 8h2m |
K691 | 22:44 - 07:00+ | 8h16m |
8 departures in total: departure time from 02:57 to 22:44; duration is 7H13M to 8H28M.
Kunming to Guiyang Schedule
(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
Z54 | 07:00 - 13:41 | 6h41m |
Z288 | 10:08 - 16:46 | 6h38m |
K138 | 18:28 - 02:23+ | 7h55m |
Z162 | 20:00 - 02:37+ | 6h37m |
K692 | 21:38 - 05:18+ | 7h40m |
8 departures in total: departure time from 07:00 to 21:38; duration is 6H25M to 8H55M.
1. "+" indicates the second day.
2. The timetable is for reference only. You can use the search tool on top the page for the most up-to-date schedule.

Ticket Fare
(Last Update on Oct 18, 2024)
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 244 / USD 35 | CNY 161 / USD 23 | CNY 86 / USD 12 |
Note: Among all the normal ones, overnight sleeper trains leaving in the night and arriving in the morning are good choices for budget travelers because it can save both daytime and one-night accommodation fee.
Guiyang - Kunming Normal Train |
Why choose Guiyang-Kunming Bullet Trains
The chart below will make it clear:
Traveling Methods | Duration | Ticket Price | Results of comparison |
Flight | An hour | About CNY1,000 for a full fare economy class seat | Fast, but expensive. More importantly, count in the travel time to/from airports in suburban areas, the total consumed time will not be much different to the high speed rail service. |
Non-bullet train | 6.5-9 hours | CNY161 for hard sleeper; CNY244 for soft sleeper | Cheap but time-consuming |
Long-distance bus | About 7 hours | About CNY 250 | Time-consuming, unsafe and not so comfortable |
High speed train | 2.5-3.5 hours | CNY199.5-226.5 for a second class seat | 1. Competitive ticket price 2. Short travel time, comfortable carriage, and fantastic scenery outside the window |

Major Rail Lines from Guiyang to:

Major Rail Lines from kunming to:
- Last updated on Nov. 22, 2024 by Grace Yang -