Lijiang to Dali Train
At present, 10 high speed trains run from Lijiang Railway Station to Dali Railway Station with the travel time of 2 - 2.5 hours. The ticket price for a second class seat is CNY 48 - 80 and for a first class seat is CNY 76 - 127.
There is also a normal speed train in service, taking 3 hours. Ticket fare for a soft sleeper is CNY 115.5 and for a hard seat is CNY 23.5.
The travel distance between the two cities is only 159 kilometers (99 miles), so one can also choose to take long-distance bus which takes about 2.5 hours.
Lijiang to Dali Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C324 Details of the Train C324:
2H24M | 08:55 Lijiang | 11:19 Dali [Yunnan] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C326 Details of the Train C326:
2H43M | 10:33 Lijiang | 13:16 Dali [Yunnan] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C378 Details of the Train C378:
2H7M | 12:02 Lijiang | 14:09 Dali [Yunnan] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C398 Details of the Train C398:
2H50M | 12:32 Lijiang | 15:22 Dali [Yunnan] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C590 Details of the Train C590:
2H17M | 13:50 Lijiang | 16:07 Dali [Yunnan] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C328 Details of the Train C328:
1H55M | 15:33 Lijiang | 17:28 Dali [Yunnan] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C374 Details of the Train C374:
2H21M | 16:05 Lijiang | 18:26 Dali [Yunnan] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C592 Details of the Train C592:
2H39M | 16:32 Lijiang | 19:11 Dali [Yunnan] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C596 Details of the Train C596:
2H12M | 18:20 Lijiang | 20:32 Dali [Yunnan] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C370 Details of the Train C370:
1H54M | 21:38 Lijiang | 23:32 Dali [Yunnan] |
Other transportation option: Long-distance Bus
The ancient town of Lijiang carries a history of more than 800 years. The houses and other architectural buildings in the town were built with the distinctive Naxi Style. Travelling in the town seems like to go back in the ancient times with a slower life pace and comfortable environment. From the old town, passengers can take city bus 18, 4 and 104 and tourist bus 105 to reach Lijiang Railway Station directly.
Where to Go in Dali
As the second largest lake in China, Erhai Lake is more like an ear shaped sea instead of a lake. Near the lake, Golden Shuttle Island where Bai people live with their unique culture and lifestyle and Erhai Lake Park which is full of flowers in spring, are also nice scenic spots to go. Visitors can take Erhai Lake Cruise at Daligang Wharf, Longkan Wharf or Taoyuan Wharf to fully enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lake.
Cangshan Mountain
The mountain stands west of Erhai Lake, consisting of 19 peaks and 18 streams. The snow accumulated on the top of the mountain is one of the four sceneries in Dali that you shouldn’t miss. Most importantly, you can also visit attractions like Gangtong Temple, Zhonghe Temple, Qilongnv Pool and Butterfly Spring in Cangshan Mountain Scenic Area.
Three Pagodas
Three Pagodas, built 1,800 years ago is the exact place where you want to explore the history of the city. It consists of Qianxun Pagoda which is in the middle, and two lower ones standing in the north and south. There, you can find many sculptures of Buddha, Buddhist readings and etc.
Except all the three attractions mentioned above, Dali Ancient Town, Donglianhua Village, Yan’s Compound of Bai Minority are also places worth going.

- Last updated on Mar. 03, 2025 by Grace Yang -