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Guangzhou to Xining Train

Currently, 3 Guangzhou to Xining trains are running from Guangzhou/ Guangzhou North Railway Station to Xining Railway Station, taking about 32.5 - 33.5 hours to finish the journey as long as 3,008 kilometers (1,869 miles). The ticket price of a soft sleeper is CNY 908.5 - 955.5 and of a hard sleeper is CNY 533.5 - 549.5.

One can also choose to transfer at Xi’an North Railway Station or Lanzhou West Railway Station for more options. The travel time is from 11.5 to 14.5 hours and the cost for two second class seats is CNY 1,070 - 1,200.

Basic Facts of Guangzhou to Xining Train

Travel Time: Around 32.5 - 33.5 hours
Travel Distance: 3,008 kilometers (1,869 miles)
Operated at: Guangzhou/ Guangzhou North Railway Station, Xining Railway Station
Major Railway Stations along the Way: Guangzhou, Chenzhou, Changsha, Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Xi’an, Lanzhou and Xining.

Guangzhou to Xining Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train Z138:
1Guangzhou -07:54
2Shaoguan East 10:2510:31
3Chenzhou 12:1012:15
4Hengyang 13:5413:59
5Zhuzhou [hunan] 15:2215:27
6Changsha 16:0416:12
7Yueyang 17:3417:37
8Wuhan [Wuchang] 19:4320:17
9Xinyang 22:3122:34
10Zhumadian 23:2123:23
11Luohe 23:5723:59
12Zhengzhou 01:1501:21
13Luoyang 02:4602:50
14Xi'an 07:2207:32
15Baoji 09:0009:06
16Tianshui 10:3710:43
17Gangu 11:3211:35
18Longxi 12:2112:26
19Lanzhou 14:4515:12
20Xining 17:1917:28
21Zhangye West 19:4419:51
22Gaotai South 20:2620:31
23Jiuquan South 21:2521:44
24Jiayuguan South 21:5822:06
25Liuyuan South 00:3500:37
26Kumul 03:1503:23
27Shanshan North 05:3805:40
28Turpan North 06:2406:26
29Urumqi 07:51-
Details of the Train Z264:
1Guangzhou -09:15
2Chenzhou 13:2113:24
3Changsha 16:5817:04
4Wuhan [Wuchang] 20:2320:44
5Zhengzhou 01:3401:40
6Luoyang 03:0603:10
7Xi'an 07:4307:53
8Baoji 09:2009:26
9Lanzhou 15:0515:32
10Xining 17:5918:19
11Delingha 22:1122:15
12Golmud 00:3601:01
13Amdo 09:3409:38
14Nakchu 10:5611:02
15Lhasa 14:54-
Details of the Train Z230:
1Shenzhen East -09:35
2Guangzhou North 11:0611:10
3Shaoguan East 13:0813:13
4Chenzhou 14:5214:56
5Hengyang 16:3516:39
6Zhuzhou [hunan] 18:0418:10
7Changsha 18:4618:54
8Yueyang 20:1420:20
9Wuhan [Wuchang] 22:2722:54
10Nanyang 03:2503:55
11Xi'an 08:5609:05
12Baoji 10:3710:58
13Tianshui 12:3012:42
14Lanzhou 16:2316:43
15Haishiwan 18:0518:13
16Pinganyi 19:0319:07
17Xining 19:44-
Guangzhou North

Other Transportation Options

Transfer at Xi’an North Railway Station

Guangzhou South to Xi’an North Xi’an North to Xining Overall Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat/ Second Class Seat
G834: 06:49 - 16:10 D2697: 17:04 - 21:34 14h45m CNY 812.5 + CNY 257.5 = CNY 1,070

Transfer at Lanzhou West Railway Station

Guangzhou South to Lanzhou West Lanzhou West to Xining Overall Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat/ Second Class Seat
G814: 09:50 - 19:43 D2697: 20:29 - 21:34 11h44m CNY 1,142 + CNY 58 = CNY 1,200

Guangzhou to Xining Flight

There is a flight scheduled at 10:35 available from Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport to Xining Caojiabao Airport with a stopover at Longdongbao International Airport. The travel time is over 5 hours and the airfare is from CNY 500 to CNY 1,600.

Where to Go in Xining

Qinghai Lake is the biggest inland lakes in China. The famous scenic spots in Qinghai Lake are Erlangjian Scenic Area where tourists can rent a boat to appreciate the beauty of the lake, Bird Island – the home to thousands of birds during every April to June and Sun and Moon Mountain where one can breathe fresh air and have a walk.

Northern Buddhist Temple, built in Northern Wei Dynasty (386 - 534), is the second largest hanging monastery in China. When it comes to rainy days with mist around, tourists can see a totally different scenery of the temple which is also known as Mist and Rain of Northern Buddhist Temple, one of the eight famous scenes in Xining. What’s more, tourists can see Ningshou Tower or Lingguan Palace there, or they can visit the spectacular “Nine Caves and Eighteen Mountain Holes” built in the middle of the mountain. Tourists can visit Buddhist Statues and Taoist Statues after they go to the cave.

Kumbum was built for commemorating the founder of Yellow Hat Sect - Tsong Khapa (1357-1419). Great Hall of Golden Roof and Great Hall of Meditation are the most famous parts in the monastery. Moreover, one can see lots of buildings in both Han and Tibetan architectural styles. Golden-gilded Buddhist statues, frescos and applique embroidery can also be found in the temple.

Xining to Guangzhou Train

3 Xining to Guangzhou trains are in service from Xining Railway Station to Guangzhou/ Guangzhou North Railway Station. The travel time is about 33.5 - 34.5 hours.

 See detailed Guangzhou Train ScheduleXining Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Guangzhou to:
Major Rail Lines from Xining to:
- Last updated on Mar. 12, 2025 by Grace Yang -