How to Travel between Shanghai and Guilin

Shanghai to Guilin distance is as long as around 1,600 kilometers (994 miles). The fastest travel way is to take Shanghai – Guilin flight, taking about 2.5 - 3 hours and CNY 800 – 1,200. 2 Shanghai – Guilin high speed trains are also available, and passengers need to spend 8.5 - 9.5 hours and CNY 662.5 for a second class seat. 4 Shanghai – Guilin normal speed trains are also running, taking about 16.5 – 24 hours and CNY 328-343 for hard sleeper.


How to Travel from Shanghai to Guilin

1. Fastest Way: Shanghai to Guilin Flight: 2.5-3h; CNY 800 – 1,200

Number of Flights 5-10
Ticket Price CNY800 - 1,200
Duration 2.5-3h
Departure time 7:05 - 21:15
Dep. - Arr. Shanghai Pudong International Airport or Hongqiao International Airport to Guilin Liangjiang International Airport

2. Cost-Effective Shanghai to Guilin High Speed Train: 8.5-9.5h; CNY 662.5 for Second Class Seat

Two high speed trains run from Shanghai Hongqiao to Guilin North
Train Dep. Arr. Price (CNY)
G1501 10:03 18:47 2nd Class Seat: 662.5
1st Class Seat: 1,093.5
Business Cls. Seat: 2,063
G1505 7:53 17:15

3. Economic Shanghai to Guilin Normal Speed Train: 16.5 – 24h; CNY 328 – 343 for Hard Sleeper

Totally four normal trains run from Shanghai Railway Station or Shanghai South Railway Station to Guilin North Railway Station. The following three are recommended for you. K1556 departs from Shanghai Railway Station, while the other two from Shanghai South.
Train Dep. Arr. Price (CNY)
T25 17:28 12:23 +1 Hard Seat: 192
Hard Sleeper: 328
Soft Sleeper: 515
K149 17:01  13:23 + 1
K1556 10:13 10:06 + 1 Soft Sleeper: 532
Hard Sleeper: 343
Hard Seat: 201

 See details about:  Shanghai - Guilin Train

How to Travel from Guilin to Shanghai

1. Fastest Way: Guilin to Shanghai Flight: 2.5-3h; CNY 600 – 1,900

Number of Flights 5-10
Ticket Price CNY600 - 1,900
Duration 2.5-3h
Departure time 6:35 - 22:10
Dep. - Arr.  Guilin Liangjiang International Airport to Shanghai Pudong International Airport or Hongqiao International Airport

2. Cost-Effective Guilin to Shanghai High Speed Train: 9.5h; CNY 662.5 for Second Class Seat

Only two high speed trains run from Guilin North Railway Station to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station.
Train Dep. Arr. Price (CNY)
G1502 12:01 21:13 2nd Class Seat: 662.5
1st Class Seat: 1,093.5
Business Cls. Seat: 2,063
G1506 13:31 22:40

3. Economic Guilin to Shanghai Normal Speed Train: 18-23h; CNY 328 for Hard Sleeper

4 Guilin to Shanghai normal speed trains are available, starting from Guilin North Railway Station and arriving at Shanghai South Railway Station, and three of them are recommended as they save one night hotel expense and take less time.

Train Dep. Arr. Price (CNY)
K150 16:15 15:25 +1 Hard Seat: 192
Hard Sleeper: 328
Soft Sleeper: 515
T26 19:58 15:05 +1
T78 15:56 09:59 +1

 See details about: Guilin to Shanghai Train

- Last updated on Jul. 24, 2024 by Serena Zhou -
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