How to Travel between Shanghai and Ningbo

The distance from Shanghai to Ningbo by road is about 220km (137mi). The main modes of transportation are trains and long-distance buses. High speed trains take 2-2.5 hours and the fare is CNY104-144, while the journey’s duration by normal trains is 4.5-5 hours. Shanghai – Ningbo buses take about 3 hours and cost CNY100-115. Only one return-trip flight is available only two days a week between Shanghai Pudong Airport and Ningbo Airport and a single trip takes about one hour. 

Shanghai - Ningbo Transportation
How to Travel between Shanghai and Ningbo

 Best Shanghai – Ningbo High Speed Train: 2-2.5h; CNY104-144

 From Shanghai: Hongqiao Railway Station: 05:52 - 21:01 

 From Ningbo Railway Station: 06:14 – 21:26
Number of Trains over 40
Ticket Price G Trains: CNY144 for a second class seat, CNY237 for a first class seat, CNY444 for a business class seat
D Trains: CNY104-116 for a second class seat, CNY186 for a first class seat
Duration 2-2.5h
Frequency 1-6 trains per hour

Economic Ordinary Train: 4.5-5h; CNY50.5

 From Shanghai South Railway Station -  T135: 04:50; K335: 05:26

 From Ningbo Railway Station - K336 15:43; T136 17:49

 Ticket Price: CNY50.5 per hard seat, CNY96.5 per hard sleeper, CNY146.5 per soft sleeper

Long-distance Bus – 3h, CNY100-115

Shanghai to Ningbo Bus:

Dep. - Arr. Dep. Time Fare Dur.
Intercity Bus Terminal - Ningbo Bus Center 9:00, 13:05, 14:50 CNY112 3h
South Long-distance Bus Station - Ningbo South Bus Station 8:00, 9:35, 10:40, 11:50, 13:00, 13:50, 14:40, 15:40, 16:45, 17:40 CNY115
Hongqiao West Long-distance Bus Station - Ningbo South Bus Station 17:26 CNY115

Ningbo to Shanghai Bus:

Dep. - Arr.  Dep. Time Fare Dur.
Guanhaiwei Bus Station - Shanghai South Long-distance Bus Station  9:00 - 14:20 CNY100 3h
South Bus Station - Shanghai South Long-distance Bus Station 6:45, 8:05, 9:20, 10:40, 12:05, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:15, 17:45  CNY115

Optional Shanghai – Ningbo Flight: 1h; CNY200-500

One direct Shanghai - Ningbo flight is only available on Wednesdays and Sundays from T1, Shanghai Pudong Airport (PVG) to T2, Ningbo Lishe Airport (NGB). It departs at 22:20 with a duration of one hour on board. The flight ticket usually costs CNY200 - 500.
From Ningbo Lishe Airport to Shanghai Pudong Airport, one direct flight serves passengers on Tuesdays and Fridays, departing at 22:00 and arriving at 23:05.

How to Travel from Shanghai Airports to Ningbo

Pudong Airport → Ningbo

 Pudong Airport to Ningbo by train: 3-4h, CNY112 - 180
→ Take airport shuttle bus line 1 or metro line 2 to Hongqiao Railway Station. Shuttle bus: 1h, CNY36; Metro line 2: 1.5h, CNY8
→ Board a high speed train to Ningbo: 2-2.5h, CNY104-144

 Pudong Airport to Ningbo by bus: 4-5h, CNY135
→ Take airport shuttle bus line 7 to Shanghai South Railway Station: 70 minutes, CNY20
→ Walk 3 minutes to the South Long-distance Bus Station
→ Catch a long-distance bus to Ningbo: 3h, CNY115

Hongqiao Airport → Ningbo:

→ Walk from T2 or take metro line 10 from T1 to get to Hongqiao Railway Station within 10 minutes.
→ Take a high speed train to arrive in 2-2.5 hours.
- Last updated on Sep. 13, 2023 by Catherine He -
Questions & Answers on How to Travel between Shanghai and Ningbo
Asked by Ying from CANADA | Apr. 17, 2023 14:05Reply
Is there any transportation between Pudong Airport to Ningbo Bus Station?
Answers (1)
Answered by Vivian | Apr. 18, 2023 22:56

There is no direct transport between. You can take airport bus line 1 or subway line 2 to Hongqiao Railway Station, then take a high speed train to Ningbo.
Asked by Loulou from UNITED KINGDOM | Jun. 06, 2019 04:57Reply
How to get to Shanghai Pudong Airport to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station?
ultimately want to end up in Ningbo
Answers (1)
Answered by Kelly from AUSTRALIA | Jun. 11, 2019 23:30

You can take Shuttle Bus Line 1 directly from the airport to the station. It takes about 70 mins and costs CNY34 per person.
Asked by Amy | Mar. 30, 2018 07:38Reply
Is there any transportation between Pudong Airport to South Long-Distance Bus Station?
Answers (1)
Answered by Donna from USA | Apr. 01, 2018 20:42

Yes, shuttle bus line 7 goes to the South Train Station beside the south bus station.
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