Zhangjiajie Weather in January

Generally, January is the coldest month in Zhangjiajie during the year. The highest temperature is often around 9°C (48°F) in the daytime and the lowest one is 2°C (36°F) at night. You should wear thick and warm clothes to protect yourself from the cold weather and catching a cold. It often snows and you can enjoy snowscape which is rare in the south of China.   

January is in the off season of Zhangjiajie, which means you don’t need to stand in long queues when visiting scenic spots there and you can enjoy very cost-effective ticket rates. It is wise to include January into your plan if you are ready to go there in 2025.

Averages for Zhangjiajie Weather in January

Temperature: 5°C / 41°F
High Temperature: 9°C / 48°F
Low Temperature: 2°C / 36°F
Humidity: 75%
Rainfall: 42 mm
Sunrise: 07:28 ~ 07:34
Sunset: 17:51 ~ 18:15
Air Quality in January
Average AQI:72
Zhangjiajie Air Quality in January

What to Wear in Zhangjiajie in January

The temperature is rather low in January, please take enough clothes to keep warm. Thick clothes are quite necessary, such as a down jacket, wind coat, overcoat and sweater. You may also take a scarf, caps and gloves. As well, please wear antiskid shoes because there are some icy roads after snowing.
Zhangjiajie Clothes in January January Wear in Zhangjiajie

Where to Go in Zhangjiajie in January

Hard rime is one of the most famous sceneries in winter of Zhangjiajie, which is water vapor in the air that condenses on trees. Thanks to the cold climate of Zhangjiajie in January, you can enjoy “snowscape in the southland” in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Tianzi Mountain and Tianmen Mountain.

Besides, the Chinese New Year sometimes falls in the middle or late January, when Phoenix Ancient Town (Fenghuang) is also worth visiting, where you can experience the grandest traditional festivity of China.
Snow ScenerySnow Scenery
New Year CelebrationNew Year Celebration
Tujia Folk GardenTujia Folk Garden

Other Tips

As mentioned before, the weather is not only very cold but also varies widely from day to night, you should take some cold medications in case of catching a cold. If the snow is too heavy, some scenic spots may close for safety.

What is the temperature in Zhangjiajie in January?

High/Low Temperatures of Zhangjiajie in January
Temperatures Graph of Zhangjiajie in January
Air Quality of Zhangjiajie in January
Zhangjiajie AQI Graph in January

Historical Zhangjiajie Weather in January

Jan Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High Low
1 10.2°C / 50.4°F 3.1°C / 37.6°F 07:32 / 17:51 74
2 10°C / 50°F 3°C / 37.4°F 07:33 / 17:52 71
3 9.9°C / 49.8°F 3°C / 37.4°F 07:33 / 17:53 69
4 9.7°C / 49.5°F 2.9°C / 37.2°F 07:33 / 17:54 91
5 9.6°C / 49.3°F 2.8°C / 37°F 07:33 / 17:54 95
6 9.4°C / 48.9°F 2.8°C / 37°F 07:33 / 17:55 95
7 9.3°C / 48.7°F 2.7°C / 36.9°F 07:33 / 17:56 92
8 9.2°C / 48.6°F 2.7°C / 36.9°F 07:33 / 17:57 83
9 9.1°C / 48.4°F 2.6°C / 36.7°F 07:33 / 17:57 91
10 9.1°C / 48.4°F 2.6°C / 36.7°F 07:34 / 17:58 92
11 9°C / 48.2°F 2.5°C / 36.5°F 07:34 / 17:59 89
12 8.9°C / 48°F 2.5°C / 36.5°F 07:34 / 18:00 86
13 8.9°C / 48°F 2.4°C / 36.3°F 07:33 / 18:01 72
14 8.9°C / 48°F 2.4°C / 36.3°F 07:33 / 18:01 68
15 8.9°C / 48°F 2.4°C / 36.3°F 07:33 / 18:02 66
16 8.9°C / 48°F 2.3°C / 36.1°F 07:33 / 18:03 62
17 8.9°C / 48°F 2.3°C / 36.1°F 07:33 / 18:04 61
18 9°C / 48.2°F 2.3°C / 36.1°F 07:33 / 18:05 79
19 9°C / 48.2°F 2.3°C / 36.1°F 07:33 / 18:05 67
20 9.1°C / 48.4°F 2.3°C / 36.1°F 07:32 / 18:06 44
21 9.1°C / 48.4°F 2.3°C / 36.1°F 07:32 / 18:07 43
22 9.2°C / 48.6°F 2.3°C / 36.1°F 07:32 / 18:08 52
23 9.3°C / 48.7°F 2.4°C / 36.3°F 07:31 / 18:09 49
24 9.4°C / 48.9°F 2.4°C / 36.3°F 07:31 / 18:10 61
25 9.5°C / 49.1°F 2.5°C / 36.5°F 07:31 / 18:10 65
26 9.6°C / 49.3°F 2.5°C / 36.5°F 07:30 / 18:11 64
27 9.7°C / 49.5°F 2.6°C / 36.7°F 07:30 / 18:12 54
28 9.8°C / 49.6°F 2.6°C / 36.7°F 07:29 / 18:13 78
29 9.9°C / 49.8°F 2.7°C / 36.9°F 07:29 / 18:14 93
30 10.1°C / 50.5°F 2.8°C / 37°F 07:28 / 18:15 69
31 10.2°C / 50.4°F 2.9°C / 37.2°F 07:28 / 18:15 80

7-Day Zhangjiajie Weather Forecast


- Last updated on Jan. 17, 2025 by Zoey Gong -