Zhangjiajie Weather in May

Zhangjiajie weather in May is quite pleasant for taking a trip. The highest temperature climbs to around 27°C (81°F), not too hot yet. Comparing to April, more and more flowers and trees welcome their flourish, making people strongly feel the vitality and beauty of nature. With the rainy season comes, the weather will change quickly like baby’s face so that you should take raincoats or umbrellas anywhere you go.

If possible, avoid traveling there during May Day Holiday around May 1st in 2025. Because Zhangjiajie is a tourist city and it receives much more visitors than on usual days, which leads to the rise of hotel expense and waiting time for taking public transport.

Averages for Zhangjiajie Weather in May

Temperature: 21°C / 70°F
High Temperature: 27°C / 81°F
Low Temperature: 18°C / 64°F
Humidity: 77%
Rainfall: 177 mm
Sunrise: 05:40 ~ 05:57
Sunset: 19:14 ~ 19:32
Air Quality in May
Average AQI:34
Zhangjiajie Air Quality in May

What to Wear in Zhangjiajie in May

As May is a time of the end of spring and the beginning of summer, the weather is comparatively warm, therefore wearing usual summer clothes like T-shirt, blouse and jeans is enough. For girls and ladies, dress and skirt are also good choices for the journey here as the mountain roads are flat enough. In addition, a topcoat or a thin coat is a necessary outfit due to the difference in temperature between day and night, and between the urban area and mountainous scenic areas.

As most of the attractions in Zhangjiajie are mountains, valleys and streams, a pair of light and comfortable sneakers or climbing boots are essential for you to keep from getting foot pain.

Zhangjiajie Clothes in May May Wear in Zhangjiajie

Where to Go in Zhangjiajie in May

Thanks to the moderate climate in Zhangjiajie in May a lot of classical tourist attractions in Zhangjiajie are suitable for visiting, like Suoxi Valley Nature Reserve, Tianzi Mountain Nature Reserve and Yangjiajie Scenic Area. Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge is recommended on a sunny day.

What is the temperature in Zhangjiajie in May?

High/Low Temperatures of Zhangjiajie in May
Temperatures Graph of Zhangjiajie in May
Air Quality of Zhangjiajie in May
Zhangjiajie AQI Graph in May

Historical Zhangjiajie Weather in May

May Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High Low
1 25.8°C / 78.4°F 16.1°C / 61°F 05:57 / 19:14 72
2 26°C / 78.8°F 16.2°C / 61.2°F 05:56 / 19:15 76
3 26.1°C / 79°F 16.4°C / 61.5°F 05:55 / 19:15 89
4 26.2°C / 79.2°F 16.5°C / 61.7°F 05:54 / 19:16 62
5 26.2°C / 79.2°F 16.7°C / 62°F 05:54 / 19:17 61
6 26.3°C / 79.3°F 16.8°C / 62.2°F 05:53 / 19:17 50
7 26.4°C / 79.5°F 16.9°C / 62.6°F 05:52 / 19:18 76
8 26.5°C / 79.7°F 17.1°C / 62.8°F 05:51 / 19:19 61
9 26.6°C / 79.9°F 17.2°C / 63°F 05:51 / 19:19 58
10 26.7°C / 80.1°F 17.3°C / 63.1°F 05:50 / 19:20 60
11 26.8°C / 80.2°F 17.5°C / 63.5°F 05:49 / 19:21 79
12 26.8°C / 80.2°F 17.6°C / 63.7°F 05:49 / 19:21 53
13 26.9°C / 80.4°F 17.7°C / 63.9°F 05:48 / 19:22 47
14 27°C / 80.6°F 17.8°C / 64°F 05:47 / 19:22 52
15 27.1°C / 80.8°F 18°C / 64.4°F 05:47 / 19:23 66
16 27.2°C / 81°F 18.1°C / 64.6°F 05:46 / 19:24 60
17 27.3°C / 81.1°F 18.2°C / 64.8°F 05:46 / 19:24 53
18 27.4°C / 81.3°F 18.3°C / 64.9°F 05:45 / 19:25 49
19 27.5°C / 81.5°F 18.4°C / 65.1°F 05:44 / 19:25 65
20 27.6°C / 81.7°F 18.6°C / 65.5°F 05:44 / 19:26 70
21 27.7°C / 81.8°F 18.7°C / 65.7°F 05:44 / 19:27 76
22 27.8°C / 82°F 18.7°C / 65.7°F 05:43 / 19:27 79
23 27.9°C / 82.2°F 18.8°C /65.8°F 05:43 / 19:28 73
24 28°C / 82.4°F 18.9°C / 66°F 05:42 / 19:28 57
25 28.1°C / 82.6°F 19°C / 66.2°F 05:42 / 19:29 50
26 28.2°C / 82.8°F 19.1°C / 66.4°F 05:41 / 19:30 45
27 28.4°C / 83.1°F 19.3°C / 66.7°F 05:41 / 19:30 49
28 28.5°C / 83.3°F 19.4°C / 66.9°F 05:41 / 19:31 51
29 28.6°C / 83.5°F 19.6°C / 67.3°F 05:40 / 19:31 56
30 28.7°C / 83.7°F 19.7°C / 67.5°F 05:40 / 19:32 67
31 28.8°C / 83.8°F 19.8°C / 67.6°F 05:40 / 19:32 75

7-Day Zhangjiajie Weather Forecast


- Last updated on Jan. 07, 2025 by Gabby Li -