How to Travel from Guilin to Zhangjiajie
Guilin to Zhangjiajie distance is as long as 700 kilometers (435 miles) in all. There is no available normal trains or long-distance buses traveling between them at present. Only one direct Guilin to Zhangjiajie high speed train D3968 is in service. Passengers can choose to make a high speed train transfer at Changsha South Railway Station. Or passengers can take Guilin to Changsha high speed train first, then take long-distance coach to Zhangjiajie.
D3968 departs from Guilin Railway Station at 14:38 daily, passes through Guilin North Railway Station, and finally arrives at Zhangjiajie West Train Station. The ticket price is CNY344.5 for a second class seat, CNY550.5 for a first class seat.
No direct trains run between Guilin and Zhangjiajie. It is advised to take a morning train from Guilin to Changsha south, then take a Changsha South to Zhangjiajie West train.
Step 1: Guilin - Changsha South in the morning
Step 2: Changsha South to Zhangjiajie West
After arriving at Changsha by train, take intercity buses to Zhangjiajie. After arriving at Changsha or Changsha South Railway Station, take Changsha Metro Line 2 at the railway stations to Wangchengpo (also Changsha West Bus Station), taking 30-45min and CNY3-5. Then, take a long-distance bus there to Zhangjaijie Central Bus Station. The bus departs at 14:00 every day at a cost of CNY100, taking about 4 hours.
→ Take a high speed train from Guilin to Zhangjiajie West Railway Station;
→ On the southeast of the front square of Zhangjiajie West Railway Station, there is a bus station operating frequent direct buses to Wulingyuan every day, taking CNY12 and about half an hour.
→ Take a high speed train before 10:00 from Guilin to Changsha or Changsha South Railway Station;
→ Take Changsha Metro Line 2 and arrive at Changsha West Bus Station before 14:00;
→ Take a coach at the station to Zhangjiajie Central Bus Station;
→ At the central bus station, there are frequent direct buses to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, taking 45min and CNY13.
Further Reading
How to Travel from Zhangjiajie to Guilin
1. Direct Guilin - Zhangjiajie High Speed Train D3968: 7.5h; CNY344.5 for 2nd Class Seat
2. High Speed Train with a Transfer at Changsha South: at last 7h; from CNY473

Suggested Departures | over 10 trains from 08:16 - 14:32 |
Departure Station | Guilin or Guilin North Railway Station |
Arrival Station | Changsha South |
Duration | 2.5-3.5h |
Ticket Fare | 2nd Class Seat: CNY184.5-187; 1st Class Seat: CNY295-299; Business Class Seat: CNY340-573 |

Suggested Departures | 5 trains from 15:29 - 18:33 |
Departure Station | Changsha South |
Arrival Station | Zhangjiajie West |
Duration | about 3.5h |
Ticket Fare | 2nd Class Seat: CNY261.5-288.5; 1st Class Seat: CNY430.5-473.5; Business Class Seat: CNY486-956.5 |
3. Train + Intercity Bus: 8.5 hours at least, CNY289.5-358.5
How to Travel from Guilin to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park (Wulingyuan)
1. High Speed Train + Direct Bus: 8h; CNY360
→ On the southeast of the front square of Zhangjiajie West Railway Station, there is a bus station operating frequent direct buses to Wulingyuan every day, taking CNY12 and about half an hour.
2. Guilin to Changsha Train + Coach + Direct Bus: Nearly 9h; CNY300-370
→ Take Changsha Metro Line 2 and arrive at Changsha West Bus Station before 14:00;
→ Take a coach at the station to Zhangjiajie Central Bus Station;
→ At the central bus station, there are frequent direct buses to Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, taking 45min and CNY13.

How to Travel from Zhangjiajie to Guilin
- Last updated on Jul. 23, 2024 by Serena Zhou -