How to Travel between Chengdu and Guilin
Chengdu to Guilin distance is as long as 1,066 kilometers (662 miles). The fastest travel way between them is to take a direct flight, taking around 110 minutes and CNY 500-1,100. Or passengers can take Chengdu - Guilin high speed trains, taking 6 – 7.5 hours and CNY 397 – 434.
How to Travel from Chengdu to Guilin
1. Fastest Chengdu to Guilin Flight: 110 minutes, CNY 500 – 1,100
Number of Flights | 3 |
Ticket Price | CNY 500-1,100 |
Duration | 110 minutes |
Departure time | 7:50; 17:15; 21:20 |
Dep. - Arr. | Chengdu Tianfu Airport - Guilin Liangjiang International Airport |
2. Economic Chengdu to Guilin High Speed Train: 6 – 7.5 hours, CNY 397-434
Number of Trains | 21 |
Ticket Price | CNY 397-434 for Second Class Seat; CNY 634-695 for First Class seat |
Duration | 6-7.5h |
Departure time | 6:55 - 12:41 |
Frequency | 1-5 trains per hour |
Dep. - Arr. | Chengdu East Railway Station, Chengdu South Railway Station - Guilin, Guilin North and Guilin West Railway Station |

Which station to choose in Guilin
Situated at the intersection of Zhongshan Road and Shanghai Road in Xiangshan District in Guilin city center, it’s the most important railway station in Guilin. Guilin North Railway Station:
Located in the northern part of the city center in Diecai District, this station is a newly built one. There are city buses and airport shuttle bus, so passengers can get to other destinations very conveniently. It deals 5 Guilin to Chengdu high speed trains. Guilin West Railway Station:
This one is located at Dingjiang Village in Lingchuan County and a little far from the city center. 14 Guilin to Chengdu high speed trains depart from here.
How to Travel from Chengdu to Li River Scenic Spot & XIngping Town
To Li River Scenic Spot
→ Take a train to Guilin North
→ Take the city bus no. 100, 1, K99 or 18 to Lequn Rd, taking 40 minutes and CNY2. To Xingping Town
→ Take a high speed train at Guilin train stations to Yangshuo Railway Station;
→ Take the bus Yangshuo Railway Station line 2 to Xingping Ancient Town
How to Travel from Guilin to Chengdu
1. Fastest Guilin to Chengdu Flight: 2h, CNY 500 - 1,200
Number of Flights | 3 |
Ticket Price | CNY 500-1,200 |
Duration | about 2h |
Departure time | 8:10; 10:35; 23:45 |
Dep. - Arr. | Chengdu Tianfu Airport - Guilin Liangjiang International Airport |
2. Economic High Speed Train: 6-7.5, CNY 373 – 434
Number of Trains | 23 |
Ticket Price | CNY 373-434 for Second Class Seat; CNY 597-709 for First Class seat |
Duration | 6-7.5h |
Departure time | 9:24 - 16:26 |
Frequency | 2-5 trains per hour |
Dep. - Arr. | Guilin, Guilin North and Guilin West Railway Station - Chengdu East Railway Station, Chengdu South Railway Station |