International Trains

Beijing - Ulaanbaatar Trains: K23/ K24

 Beijing - Ulaanbaatar Trains K23/ K24 have been out of service since February 2020 and are planned to be resumed after the maintenance of Fengtai-Shacheng Railway. But the Erlian/ Hohhot - Ulaanbaatar trains have started running again, which means you can connect the cross-border China - Mongolia trains at these two cities.

Historical Facts of Train K23/ K24 

Train No.: Beijing → Ulaanbaatar (Ulan Bator): K23 in China, 023 in Mongolia; Ulaanbaatar→ Beijing: K24 in China, 024 in Mongolia
Duration: 31 hours and 8 minutes (K23); 31 hours and 5 minutes (K24)
Passing by: China and Mongolia via Trans-Siberian Railway
Distance: 1,553 kilometers (965 miles)
Operator: China Beijing Railway Bureau, Ulaanbaatar Railway Bureau 

Beijing - Ulaanbaatar Train
Beijing - Ulaanbaatar Train

Previous Schedule of Beijing to Ulaanbaatar Train: K23

Stations Arrival Departure
Beijing --- 07:27
Shalingzi West 10:40 10:50
Jining South 15:27 15:43
Erlian 20:18 00:59+1
Zamyn-Uud 01:25 02:40
Ulaanbaatar 14:35 ---

 See also: Beijing to Ulaanbaatar K3 Train 

 Kind Reminder:
Please make sure your visa for Mongolia is valid when passing through the China-Mongolia border.

Previous Schedule of Ulaanbaatar to Beijing Train: K24 

Stations Arrival Departure
Ulaanbaatar --- 07:30
Zamyn-Uud 18:50 20:35
Erlian 21:00 02:00+1
Jining South 06:37 06:55
Shalingzi West 11:09 11:15
Beijing 14:35 ---

1. The above timetable worked before the suspension of the trains in 2020;
2. "+1" indicates the second day;
3. The above time is Beijing Time, while Mongolia implements Daylight Saving Time from late March to late September, so during this period the Mongolia time should be one hour plus the time in the above table.


Ticket Fare of Beijing to Ulaanbaatar Trains before Suspension in 2020

Deluxe Soft Sleeper  Soft Sleeper  Hard Sleeper

Beijing to Ulaanbaatar by China Train

CNY 2,041 CNY 1,881 CNY 1,310

Beijing to Ulaanbaatar by Mongolian Train

CNY 2,033 -- - CNY 1,361

Beijing to Zamyn-Uud by China Train

CNY 1,154 CNY 1,017 CNY 709

Beijing to Zamyn-Uud by Mongolian Train

CNY 1,147 ---  CNY 752
1. The service fee of CNY 50 will be charged.
2. The above ticket price is for reference only. Please refer to railway stations for final fare.
3. A group should comprise at least six members to buy group tickets.

China - Mongolia Trains in Service

Currently, the international trains running between Hohhot/ Erlian in China and Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia are in service. If you prefer a land cross between Beijing and Ulaanbaatar, a transfer in these two cities are needed. 

 See details: Erlian - Ulaanbaatar Trains 

Soft Sleeper on Hohhot - Ulaanbaatar Train
Soft Sleeper on Hohhot - Ulaanbaatar Train

China to Mongolia Train Schedule

No. 4652/ 33
Hohhot Departure 21:59 every Mon. & Fri.
Erlian Stopover 05:26+1 - 17:10+1
Ulaanbaatar Arrival 10:25+2
Travel Time 36H26M
Note: "+1" indicates the second day; "+2" indicates the third day.

Mongolia to China Train Schedule

No. 34/ 4654
Ulaanbaatar Departure 20:22 on every Mon. & Fri.
Erlian Stopover 10:25+1 - 13:45+1
Hohhot Arrival 21:23+1
Travel Time 24H38M

In addtion, train no.686/685 also run between China and Mongolia. 

China - Mongolia Train Ticket Fare

Soft Sleeper  Hard Sleeper

Erlian to Ulaanbaatar by China Train

CNY 1,130 (USD 157) CNY 791 (USD 110)

Erlian to Ulaanbaatar by Mongolian Train

--- CNY 845 (USD 118)

Hohhot to Ulaanbaatar by China Train

CNY 1,765 (USD 245) CNY 1,220 (USD 169)

Hohhot to Ulaanbaatar by Mongolian Train

---  CNY 1,311 (USD 182)

Other International Trains between China and nearby Countries

Beijing - Manzhouli - Moscow

Beijing - Pyongyang

Nanning - Hanoi

Hohhot - Ulaanbaatar

Beijing - Hanoi

K9795/K9796: Urumqi - Almaty
K9797/K9798: Urumqi - Astana

Kunming - Vientiane

Beijing - Ulaanbaatar - Moscow

 International railways under construction/planning from China to:
- Last updated on Dec. 23, 2024 by Grace Yang -