International Trains

Nanning - Hanoi Trains: T8701/ T8702


Direct Trains T8701/ T8702 Out of Service

Nanning – Hanoi Trains are out of service currently. It is unknown when they will be resumed. Once there is any news, we will update the page at the first time.

Previous Schedule of Train T8701/ T8702

Train No. Nanning (T8701) → Hanoi (MR2) Hanoi (MR1) → Nanning (T8702)
Departure 18:05 from Nanning Railway Station 21:20 from Hanoi Gia Lam Railway Station
Arrival 05:30 of the next day in Hanoi 10:07 of the next day in Nanning
Duration 11 hours and 25 minutes 12 hours and 47 minutes

Note: The schedule was followed before the suspension of the trains in 2020.

How to Travel by Train from Nanning to Hanoi Nowadays 


Step 1: Travel by Train 5511 from Nanning to Pingxiang  

Pingxiang Railway Station is the closest railway station to Friendship Pass (友谊关 in Chinese and Huu Nghi Quan in Vietnamese) on the border between China and Vietnam. 
(Last update: November 13, 2024)
Departure Arrival Duration Ticket Fare
08:45 13:15 4H30M hard seat only, costing CNY29.5

Step 2: Take a Taxi to Friendship Pass

It costs around CNY30 and the travel time is 25 minutes or so. 

Step 3: Pass the Border Check 

After completing the border procedures of China, there are shuttle cars sending you to the Immigration Hall of Vietnam. You need to pay VND12,000 for the ride, so exchange for some Vietnamese currency beforehand. There are many currency exchanges around the Friendship Pass of China side.  

Step 4: Take a Car/ Bus to Hanoi

Just outside the Immigration Hall of Vietnam side, you will find many buses and cars waiting to send passengers to Hanoi. It takes about 3-4 hours on the way and costs about VND300,000. 

How to Travel from Hanoi to China by Train 

The travel way is no big difference from the above Nanning to Hanoi, just make it vice versa. 

Pingxiang to Nanning Train Schedule: 5512

(Last update: November 13, 2024)
Departure Arrival Duration Ticket Fare
15:00 19:28 4H28M hard seat only, costing CNY29.5
Nanning - Hanoi Train
Get Onboard at Nanning Railway Station
Pingxiang - Nanning Train
Pingxiang - Nanning Train

 Vietnam Train: Tickets Booking, Schedule, Railway Stations Introduction

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- Last updated on Mar. 19, 2025 by Grace Yang -