International Trains

China International Train Schedule

 Trains between Beijing and Ulaanbaatar (K23/K24), Beijing and Moscow (K19/20 and K3/4), and China - Kazakhstan have been suspended since February 2020. Once they're resumed, we will update the page at the very first time.

There are couples of international trains traveling from China to Russia, Mongolia, North Korea, Kazakhstan and Vietnam. Followings are the schedule and ticket fare just for your reference:
 1. The schedules worked before the trains stopped service in 2020 except for that of Hohhot - Ulaanbaatar.
   2. The listed time is coincident with the Local Time.
   3. '+1' indicates the second day, '+2' indicates the third day, etc.

Beijing - Ulaanbaatar
K23  (↓)  Stations K24  (↑)
Arrival Departure Arrival Departure
/ 07:27 Beijing 14:35 /
10:40 10:50 Shalingzi West 11:09 11:15
15:27 15:43 Jining South 06:37 06:55
20:18 00:59 +1 Erlian 21:00 02:00 +1
01:25 02:40 Zamyn-Uud 18:50 20:35
14:35 - Ulaanbaatar (Ulan Bator) -- 07:30

Ticket Fare: CNY2,041/deluxe-sleeper, CNY1,881/soft-sleeper, CNY1,310/hard-sleeper

Beijing - Hanoi
Z5 (↓) Stations Z6 (↑)
Arrival Departure Arrival Departure
/ 16:05 Beijing West 09:59 /
18:30 18:36 Shijiazhuang 07:17 07:23
22:05 22:11 Zhengzhou 03:42 +2 03:48
02:50 +1 02:56 Wuchang 22:54 23:00
06:13 06:19 Changsha 19:26 19:32
08:15 08:21 Hengyang 17:22 17:28
09:41 09:48 Yongzhou /
11:15 11:21 Guilin North 14:18 14:25
12:44 12:50 Liuzhou 12:42 12:56
14:25 14:31 Nanning East 11:03 11:08
14:44 18:05 Nanning 10:07 10:50
19:05 19:08 Fusui /
20:15 20:21 Chongzuo 07:56 08:00
21:25 21:30 Ningming 06:52 06:55
22:18 23:41 Pingxiang 04:31 06:05
23:22 01:55 +2 Tongdeng 00:55 +1 02:50
04:33 04:36 Bac Giang 22:11 22:14
05:30 / Hanoi Gia Lam / 21:20

Ticket Fare: CNY2,039/soft-sleeper

Hohhot - Ulaanbaatar (Last Update: November 11, 2024)
34/4654/4651 (↓) Stations 4652/4653/33 (↑)
Arrival Departure Arrival Departure
/ 20:22 Ulan Bator 10:25 /
/ Amgalan 10:08 10:12
/ Tsagaan khyar 08:44 08:52
00:42+1 01:00 Choir 05:19 05:50
04:23 04:54 Saynshand 01:05+2 01:45
08:30 10:00 Zamyn-Uud 17:35 21:30
10:25 13:45 Erlian 05:26 17:10
19:26 19:46 Jining South 23:45 00:01+1
21:23 / Hohhot / 21:59

4652/4653/33, operated by China, departs from Hohhot on Friday weekly and arrives in Ulaanbaatar on Sunday, and departs from Ulaanbaatar on Monday and arrive at Hohhot on Tuesday.
34/4654/4651, operated by Mongolia, departs from Ulaanbaatar on Friday weekly and arrives in Hohhot on Saturday, and depart from Hohhot on Monday and arrive at Ulaanbaatar on Wednesday.
Ticket Price: 
Operate by China: CNY 1,220 (USD 169) for Hard Sleeper, CNY 1,765 (USD 245) for Soft Sleeper
Operate by Mongolia:  CNY 1,311 (USD 182) for Hard Sleeper

Beijing - Moscow
K19 Stations K20
Arrival Departure Arrival Departure
/ 23:00 Beijing 05:49 /
00:35 00:41 Tianjin 03:52 03:59
04:07 04:13 Shanhaiguan 00:14 00:22
08:47 08:55 Shenyang 19:26 19:34
12:27 12:37 Changchun 15:49 15:57
15:47 15:55 Harbin 12:29 12:51
18:36 18:47 Ang'angxi 09:15 09:35
04:17 07:25 Manzhouli 19:30 23:59
02:28 08:17 Zabaikalsk 07:30 13:05
17:28 18:34 Chita 18:47 19:59
03:45 04:08 Ulan-Ude 09:21 09:51
10:51 11:14 Irkutsk 02:27 03:16
07:03 07:28 Krasnoyarsk 09:01 09:23
18:19 18:40 Novosibirsk 21:21 21:41
23:10 23:46 Omsk 13:20 14:02
06:39 06:59 Tyumen 05:49 06:09
11:36 12:07 Ekaterinburg 01:06 01:34
17:30 17:50 Perm 19:46 20:06
14:13 / Moscow / 23:45

Other International Trains between China and nearby Countries

Beijing - Ulaanbaatar - Moscow

Beijing - Pyongyang

Nanning - Hanoi

K9795/K9796: Urumqi - Almaty
K9797/K9798: Urumqi - Astana

Erlian - Ulaanbaatar

Kunming - Vientiane

 International railways under construction/planning from China to:

- Last updated on Feb. 05, 2025 by Brenda Lian -