China - Kazakhstan Trains

Two scheduled pairs of trains, K9795/K9796 and K9797/K9798 ( (Numbered as 53/54 in Kazakhstan) are running between China and Kazakhstan:
K9795/K9796 operated by China run between Urumqi and Almaty (Alma-ata) via Khorgos and Altynkol ports;
K9797/K9798 operated by Kazakhstan run between Astana and Urumqi via Dostyk and Alashankou ports;
In summer, more trains may be operated between the two countries on a daily basis.
Basic Facts:
Distance: 1,048 kilometers (651 miles)
Ticket fare: CNY 1,041 for a soft sleeper
Via ports: Khorgos Port in China and Altynkol Port in Kazakhstan
Operator: China Railway Bureau
Urumqi to Almaty Train Schedule before 2020
From | To | No. | Duration |
Urumqi | Almaty | K9795 departs on Saturday and Monday weekly and arrives on Monday and Wednesday respectively. | 25h45m |
Almaty to Urumqi Train Timetable before 2020
From | To | No. | Duration |
Almaty | Urumqi | K9796 departs on Tuesday weekly and arrives on Wednesday. | 23h31m |
Basic Facts:
Distance: 1,898 kilometers (1,179 miles)
Via ports: Dostyk Port in Kazakhstan and Alashankou Port in China
Operator: Kazakhstan Railway Bureau
Urumqi to Astana Train Schedule before 2020
From | To | No. | Duration |
Urumqi | Astana | K9797 departs on Monday weekly and arrives on Wednesday | 38h22m |
Astana to Urumqi Train Timetable before 2020
From | To | No. | Duration |
Astana | Urumqi | K9798 departs on Saturday weekly and arrives on Monday | 39h39m |
Ticket Fare of Urumqi - Astana Train
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | |
In China | CNY 955 | CNY 597 |
In Kazakhstan | CNY 1,000 | CNY 625 |
How to buy tickets
For individual passengers, the international train tickets are usually open for sale 30 days prior to departure, but for group passengers over six, tickets are buyable 60 days in advance. When buying tickets, passengers need to provide valid passports and visas.
For K9795/K9796, ticket selling stops 90 minutes before departure. However, for K9797/K9798, ticket issuing stops 2 days before departure.
See details of Purchase an International Rail Ticket
General information
2. Traveling by China - Kazakhstan international rails provides passengers a good chance to appreciate the scenery along this way. Passengers can not only see the vast desert, but also see many lakes which look pretty beautiful at dawn or dusk.

K23/K24: | K27/K28: | T8701/T8702: |
4652/4653: | Z5/Z6: | K19/K20 |
K3/K4 | D87/D88: |

- Last updated on Feb. 05, 2025 by Grace Yang -