International Trains

Erlian - Ulaanbaatar Trains

Erlian - Ulaanbaatar trains numbered 4652/ 4654 in China and 33/ 34 in Mongolia have been in service again since early in 2024. They are running between Erlian Railway Station and Ulaanbaatar Railway Station, departing every Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday with the travel time of about 14-17 hours. On every Thursday and Sunday, train no. 686 also leaves from Ulaanbaatar to Erlian; on every Monday and Friday, train no. 685 runs for the return trip. 
Erlian - Ulaanbaatar Train
Erlian - Ulaanbaatar Train

Erlian to Ulaanbaatar Train Schedule

(Last update on November 11, 2024)
Train No.  Departure Date Departure - Arrival Travel Time
4652/ 33 Every Tue. & Sat. 17:10 - 10:25 +1 17H15M
685 Every Mon. & Fri. 17:10 - 10:25 +1 17H15M

Ulaanbaatar to Erlian Train Schedule

(Last update on November 11, 2024)
Train No. Departure Days Departure - Arrival Travel Time
34/ 4654 Every Mon. & Fri. 20:22 - 10:25 +1 14H3M
686 Every Thu. & Sun. 20:35 - 10:25 +1 13H50M

1. “+1” means the second day.
2. The time mentioned in the above table is the local time.
3. The timetable is only for reference.

Ticket Fare of Erlian - Ulaanbaatar Trains

For Mongolia trains, only second class with 4 berths in each cabin are available, and the ticket fare is listed as below:
Soft Sleeper  Hard Sleeper

Erlian - Ulaanbaatar by China Train

CNY 1,130 (USD 157) CNY 791 (USD 110)

Erlian - Ulaanbaatar by Mongolian Train

-- - CNY 845 (USD 118)

 Kind Reminders: 
1. TravelChinaGuide offers hassle-free ticket booking service for Ulaanbaatar to Erlian trains. Please rest assured of placing an order and we will handle the rest for you.
2. The tickets from Erlian to Ulaanbaatar can only be bought at Erlian Railway Station with the passenger's original passport. 
3. The data above is the official full price; discounts are offered sometimes.


Change Wheels before Passing the Border
Change Wheels before Passing the Border

1. Check if you need a visa or not to travel to Mongolia before taking the trains. If a visa is required, please make sure your visa for Mongolia is valid when passing through the China-Mongolia border.

2. When the train to Ulaanbaatar stops at Zamyn Uud in Mongolia, the Mongolia’s customs will take your passport away and return it with the entry stamp of Mongolia.

3. Due to the different track width of China and Mongolia, the wheels of the train will be changed before passing the border. The whole process takes about 2 hours, during which passengers can either stay onboard or get off to have a stroll at the designated area. 

Erlian Railway Station

Erlian Railway Station is only 5 km (3 mi) away from China – Mongolia border. A taxi ride to the China National Gate scenic area costs about CNY 10 - 15.

Ulaanbaatar Railway Station

Located in the southwest of the city, Ulaanbaatar Railway Station is the largest railway station in Mongolia and the center of Mongolia’s railway network. It not only has trains to/from other places in the country, but also has several trains to/from Moscow in Russia and Hohhot in China. There is a Mongolian Railway Museum outside the station and 6 trains are displayed in the open air for tourists to visit. From the station, there is city bus no. T4 to Genghis Khan's Square and buses no. 6 and 42 to Dragon Bus Terminal. 


Another Way to Travel between Erlian and Ulaanbaatar: Transfer in Zamyn-Uud

Since the direct trains from Erlian to Ulaanbaatar are not available every day, if they cannot fit your schedule, you can also make a transfer in Zamyn-Uud, a city on Mongolian border. Direct trains to Ulaanbaatar depart there every day. 

In this way, you need to take a bus from Erlian to Zamyn-Uud first, and then head to Ulaanbaatar by train. 

Erlian to Zamyn-Uud Bus Information

(Last update on Mar 24, 2025)

Origin Station Erlian International Bus Station
Departure Time At 09:00, 09:30, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 15:00, 15:30 every day
Duration About 1.5 – 2 hours; varying according to the customs clearance time
Destination Zamyn-Uud Bus Station
Ticket Price CNY 50/person
Ticket Booking At Erlian International Bus Station only

Note: Bus departing from Erlian at 14:00 is recommended for catching the connecting train.

Customs Clearance Steps:

1. Prepare your passport and visa;
2. Get onboard at Erlian International Bus Station, and get off at Erlian Customs at the border with all your belongings to clear customs; at the same time, the bus will move to the designated area to wait for passengers;
3. Go back to your bus and continue the travel;
4. Get off again with all your luggage at Zamyn-Uud Customs to go through immigration;
5. Go on the bus travel, and finally arrive at Zamyn-Uud Bus Station, adjacent to Zamyn-Uud Railway Station where you can buy train tickets and take the train to Ulaanbaatar.

Zamyn-Uud to Ulaanbaatar Train Information

(Last update on Mar 24, 2025)

Origin Station Zamyn-Uud Railway Station
Departure - Arrival 18:05 – 09:20+1 (every day)
Destination Ulaanbaatar Railway Station
Ticket Price Second class seat Adult: CNY 153
Child: CNY 60
Hard seat Adult: CNY 54
Child: CNY 15
Hard sleeper Adult: CNY 92
Child: CNY 44
Soft sleeper Adult: CNY 277
Child: CNY 120
Ticket Booking At Zamyn-Uud Railway Station

Note: "+1" indicates the second day.

From Ulaanbaatar to Erlian, just travel along the opposite route:

Ulaanbaatar to Zamyn-Uud Train Information

(Last update on Mar 24, 2025)

Origin Station Ulaanbaatar Railway Station
Departure - Arrival 16:40 – 07:20+1 (every day)
Destination Zamyn-Uud Railway Station
Ticket Price Second class seat Adult: CNY 153
Child: CNY 60
Hard seat Adult: CNY 54
Child: CNY 15
Hard sleeper Adult: CNY 92
Child: CNY 44
Soft sleeper Adult: CNY 277
Child: CNY 120
Ticket Booking At Ulaanbaatar Railway Station

Zamyn-Uud to Erlian Bus Information

(Last update on Mar 24, 2025)

Origin Station Zamyn-Uud Railway Station
Departure Time At 07:40, 07:45, 07:50, 07:55, 08:00, 08:05, 08:10, 08:15, 08:30, 09:50
Duration About 1.5 - 3 hours; varying according to the customs clearance time
Destination Erlian International Bus Station
Ticket Price CNY 50/person
Ticket Booking At Zamyn-Uud Bus Station; 
Through official website


1. The ticket counter at Erlian bus station opens at around 08:00 and only sells the same day bus tickets.
2. Remember to take your passport, and prepare local currency to buy tickets. 
3. Be sure to remember the bus number, and avoid getting on the wrong bus after clearing customs. You can take a photo of the bus for peace of mind.
4. Long Zamyn-Uud - Ulaanbaatar trains have around 30 carriages; you are advised to get onboard as early as possible.

 See also Beijing to Erlian Train

Other International Trains between China and nearby Countries

Beijing - Ulaanbaatar

Beijing - Pyongyang

Nanning - Hanoi

Hohhot - Ulaanbaatar

Beijing - Hanoi

K9795/K9796: Urumqi - Almaty
K9797/K9798: Urumqi - Astana

Beijing - Manzhouli - Moscow

Beijing - Ulaanbaatar - Moscow

Kunming - Vientiane

 International railways under construction/planning from China to:
- Last updated on Mar. 24, 2025 by Grace Yang -