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Zhengzhou to Haikou Train

2 Zhengzhou to Haikou trains are in service every day. It takes them about 28-32.5 hours to serve passengers. These two trains start from Zhengzhou Railway Station and arrive at Haikou Railway Station

The ticket price of the soft sleeper ranges from CNY 839-971.5, of the hard sleeper ranges from CNY 541-587.5, and of the hard seat ranges from CNY 292-313.5.  

Besides, passengers can also transfer at Changsha or Wuhan, then travel to Haikou. 

Zhengzhou to Haikou Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train Z501:
1Beijing West -20:24
2Shijiazhuang 22:4922:56
3Zhengzhou 02:2402:30
4Wuhan [Wuchang] 07:0907:15
5Changsha 10:3210:38
6Chenzhou 14:0314:06
7Shaoguan East 15:4615:49
8Guangzhou Baiyun 18:0318:26
9Zhaoqing 20:0420:09
10Maoming 23:1123:17
11Zhanjiang West 00:0500:21
12Haikou 07:0007:30
13Dongfang 09:0809:11
14Ledong 09:5209:55
15Sanya 10:42-
Details of the Train K457:
1Xinxiang -17:13
2Zhengzhou 18:2418:50
3Changge 19:3519:40
4Xuchang 19:5520:00
5Luohe 20:3920:47
6Zhumadian 21:2821:39
7Xinyang 22:3822:46
8Guangshui 23:3323:54
9Xiaogan 00:4300:46
10Wuhan [Wuchang] 01:5002:10
11Changsha 05:5906:05
12Zhuzhou [hunan] 06:4306:48
13Hengshan 07:3807:47
14Hengyang 08:2408:55
15Yongzhou 10:3710:43
16Guilin North 13:1513:22
17Liuzhou 15:0315:17
18Laibin 16:1716:21
19Guigang 17:5417:59
20Xingye 18:3818:41
21Yulin [Guangxi] 19:0919:21
22Lianjiang [Guangdong] 20:4620:52
23Zhanjiang West 22:1122:16
24Haikou 04:30-

Other Transportation Options from Zhengzhou to Haikou

Transfer at Changsha for Trains

Zhengzhou East to Changsha South Changsha to Haikou Overall  Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat / Hard Sleeper
G293 14:52-18:56 K457 21:05-19:28(+1) 28h36m CNY 393.5+CNY 411.5=CNY 805
G695 14:43-18:25 28h45m
G81 11:34-14:43 31h54m
G83 11:29-14:38 31h59m
G531 11:06-15:45 32h14m
Zhengzhou to Changsha South Changsha to Haikou Overall  Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat / Hard Sleeper
G835 14:47-18:36 K457 21:05-19:28(+1) 28h41m CNY 397.5+CNY 411.5=CNY 809 
G75 14:11-18:20 29h17m
G831 13:46-17:48 29h42m
G863 13:01-17:00 30h27m

 How to get to Changsha Railway Station from Changsha South Railway Station
Passengers can take metro line 2 from Changsha Railway Station to Changsha South Railway Station. It takes about 30 minutes by bus.

Transfer at Wuhan for Trains

Zhengzhou East to Wuhan Wuhan to Haikou Overall  Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat / Hard Sleeper
G257 21:12-23:24 Z201 04:38-03:51(+1) 30h39m CNY 244+CNY 503=CNY 747
G527 21:07-22:52 30h44m
G523 19:46-21:59 32h5m
G2397 12:39-14:59 K457 17:06-19:28(+1) 30h49m CNY 244+CNY 459=CNY 703
G285 12:06 -14:28 31h22m
G83 11:29-13:16 31h59m
G531 11:06 -14:06 32h14m
G71 10:57-13:11 32h22m
G81 11:34-13:21 31h54m

Zhengzhou to Haikou Flight    

There are direct flights from Zhengzhou to Haikou, therefore, passengers can choose flights as well. Passengers can take flights from Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport to Haikou Meilan International Airport. Taking 2.5 hours at least, a trip costs CNY 200-850. 

Haikou to Zhengzhou Train:

2 Haikou to Zhengzhou trains serve passengers on a daily basis with a duration of 28-33.5 hours. 

Direct flights also fly from Haikou Meilan International Airport to Zhengzhou Xinzheng International Airport. The shortest flying time is 2.5 hours.

See detailed Zhengzhou Train Schedule & Haikou Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Zhengzhou to:

Major Rail Lines from Haikou to:
- Last updated on Aug. 14, 2019 -