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Guilin to Haikou Train

Presently, 1 train is in service from Guilin to Haikou. The Guilin to Haikou train is handled by Guilin North Railway Station and Haikou Railway Station, taking the travel time of 15 hours. The travel distance between the two destinations is as long as 923 kilometers (574 miles). The ticket price for a soft sleeper is CNY 436 and for a hard sleeper is CNY 288.

A high speed railway line connecting Guilin and Haikou is under construction. When completed, travel time between the two cities will be greatly shortened.

Basic Facts of Guilin to Haikou Train

Open Date: July 1st, 2015
Travel Time: 15 hours
Running Distance: 923 kilometers (574 miles)
Operated at: Guilin North Railway Station, Haikou Railway Station
Major Stations along the Way: Liuzhou, Laibin, Guigang, Xingye, Yulin, Lianjiang, Zhanjiang West.

Guilin to Haikou Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train K457:
1Xinxiang -17:13
2Zhengzhou 18:2418:50
3Changge 19:3519:40
4Xuchang 19:5520:00
5Luohe 20:3920:47
6Zhumadian 21:2821:39
7Xinyang 22:3822:46
8Guangshui 23:3323:54
9Xiaogan 00:4300:46
10Wuhan [Wuchang] 01:5002:10
11Changsha 05:5906:05
12Zhuzhou [hunan] 06:4306:48
13Hengshan 07:3807:47
14Hengyang 08:2408:55
15Yongzhou 10:3710:43
16Guilin North 13:1513:22
17Liuzhou 15:0315:17
18Laibin 16:1716:21
19Guigang 17:5417:59
20Xingye 18:3818:41
21Yulin [Guangxi] 19:0919:21
22Lianjiang [Guangdong] 20:4620:52
23Zhanjiang West 22:1122:16
24Haikou 04:30-
Guilin North

How to Get to Guilin North Railway Station

Passengers can take city bus 1, 32, 83, 100, 211A, 211B, 301 and 303 to get to the railway station.

Top Things to Do in Haikou

1. Go to Holiday Beach to enjoy the beauty of the sea and get some sun tan.

2. Visit Dongzhai Port Nature Reserve to watch over 100 species of birds and explore the villages under the sea. Most importantly, eat fresh shrimp, fish and shellfish there after finishing your adventure.

3. Appreciate and enjoy the peace, tranquility and beauty existing in the Temple of Five Lords. Find the uniqueness of traditional Chinese architecture complex and try to understand the local people’s feeling for the five lords.  

4. Celebrate Hainan International Coconut Festival during late March or early April to enjoy the coconut culture and folk customs of the Li and Miao minorities. Exchange flowers with the one you like in Huanhua Festival and wish a happy life to come. Or you can eat taro, sweet potato and shallot in Junpo Festival to commemorate Madame Xi'an with the local people.

5. Taste some local specialties such as Wenchang Chicken, Dongshan Mutton, Hele Crab, and Jiaji Duck.

Other Transportation Option: Guilin to Haikou Flight

If you fail to buy the train tickets, you can choose to take Guilin - Haikou flight. 3 flights scheduled from 10:45 to 12:15 are in service from Guilin to Haikou. As for flights from Haikou to Guilin, 3 from 09:20 to 13:15 are available. The travel time is about 1.5 hours and the air fare is from CNY 400 to CNY 900.

Haikou to Guilin train

1 Haikou to Guilin train is in service, taking the travel time of about 13.5 hours

See detailed Guilin Train Schedule & Haikou Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Guilin to:
Major Rail Lines from Haikou to:
- Last updated on Mar. 11, 2025 by Grace Yang -