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Changsha to Haikou Train

Presently, two Changsha to Haikou trains run daily with the duration of 19.5 – 23 hours. They both run from Changsha Railway Station to Haikou Railway Station, whose distance between is 1,467 kilometers (912 miles). CNY 603.5 to CNY 715.5 needs to be paid for a soft sleeper and CNY 395.5 to CNY 433.5 for a hard sleeper.

Moreover, when Zhangjiajie - Haikou High Speed Railway Line is completed, high speed trains from Changsha to Haikou will be available.

Changsha to Haikou Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train K457:
1Xinxiang -17:13
2Zhengzhou 18:2418:50
3Changge 19:3519:40
4Xuchang 19:5520:00
5Luohe 20:3920:47
6Zhumadian 21:2821:39
7Xinyang 22:3822:46
8Guangshui 23:3323:54
9Xiaogan 00:4300:46
10Wuhan [Wuchang] 01:5002:10
11Changsha 05:5906:05
12Zhuzhou [hunan] 06:4306:48
13Hengshan 07:3807:47
14Hengyang 08:2408:55
15Yongzhou 10:3710:43
16Guilin North 13:1513:22
17Liuzhou 15:0315:17
18Laibin 16:1716:21
19Guigang 17:5417:59
20Xingye 18:3818:41
21Yulin [Guangxi] 19:0919:21
22Lianjiang [Guangdong] 20:4620:52
23Zhanjiang West 22:1122:16
24Haikou 04:30-
Details of the Train Z501:
1Beijing West -20:24
2Shijiazhuang 22:4922:56
3Zhengzhou 02:2402:30
4Wuhan [Wuchang] 07:0907:15
5Changsha 10:3210:38
6Chenzhou 14:0314:06
7Shaoguan East 15:4615:49
8Guangzhou Baiyun 18:0318:26
9Zhaoqing 20:0420:09
10Maoming 23:1123:17
11Zhanjiang West 00:0500:21
12Haikou 07:0007:30
13Dongfang 09:0809:11
14Ledong 09:5209:55
15Sanya 10:42-

Transfer at Guangzhou South for More Options

Changsha South to Guangzhou South  Guangzhou to Haikou  Overall Travel Time  Ticket Price
Second Class Seat/ Hard Sleeper
G633 12:41 - 15:25 K511 17:33 - 06:00 17h19m CNY 314 + CNY 285 = CNY 599
G275 16:24 - 19:15 Z111 21:30 - 08:46 16h22m
One can take metro line 2 to travel from Guangzhou South Railway Station to Guangzhou Railway Station directly.

Another Transportation Option: Changsha - Haikou Flight

Up to now, from Changsha to Haikou, 11 flights are in service for passengers’ use. They are scheduled from 06:50 to 21:45. The total duration is around 2 hours and the air fare is around CNY 400 to CNY 900.

How to Get to Famous Attractions in Haikou from Haikou Railway Station

Take city bus 40 express/ 35/ 40 to get to Holiday Beach. Or take a taxi, taking around 15 minutes and costing about CNY 25.
 Passengers can take city bus 37 express to get to the temple directly. If take a taxi, the ride may take around 35 minutes and cost about CNY 50.
 One can take city bus 40 express/ 40 to bus stop Municipal Government’s South Gate, then transfer to city bus special line 2 to bus stop the Government of Qiongshan District. After walk east along Jianguo Road for about 100 meters (110 yards) to Zhongshan Road and walk south along the road for about 650 meters (720 yards) to get to the destination.

Besides, passengers can take a taxi to get there directly. The duration is about 45 minutes and the fare is around CNY 70.

Haikou to Changsha train

2 Haikou to Changsha trains are available, taking the duration of 19.5 to 21.5 hours.

 See detailed Changsha Train ScheduleHaikou Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Changsha to:
Major Rail Lines from Haikou to:
- Last updated on Mar. 25, 2022 -