Zhengzhou - Luoyang Train
So far, around 106 pairs of high speed trains shuttle back and forth between Zhengzhou and Luoyang every single day with the minimum fare of CNY 27 - 79.5 for a second class seat ticket. The distance is 125/ 143 km (155/ 186 mi); the distances vary by different departure/ terminal stations. A single ride between the 2 cities takes about 0.5 - 1.5 hours. Over 23 pairs of normal speed trains operated on this route, and the duration is about 1.5 - 2.5 hours.
Open date: February 6th, 2010
Operated at: Zhengzhou/ Zhengzhou East/ Zhengzhou West Railway Station, Luoyang Longmen Railway Station
Duration: about 0.5 - 1.5 hours
Distances: 125/ 143 km (78/ 89 mi)
Operating speed: 250/ 300 km/h (155/ 186 mph)
(Last Update on Dec 26, 2024)
Around 105 departures in total: departure time from 06:44 to 22:07; the duration is from 25M to 57M.
(Last Update on Dec 27, 2024)
See more Zhengzhou Schedule
(Last Update on Dec 26, 2024)
Over 105 departures in total: departure time from 06:50 to 22:17; the duration is from 25M to 57M.
(Last Update on Dec 27, 2024)
See more Luoyang Schedule
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
There are one pair of D trains D123/D94 serving this route with the price of CNY 27 for a second class seat ticket. the duration of this type is about 1.5 hours, similar to some G trains. Thus, if the schedules of this 2 trains happen to meet your time arrangement, we recommended you book their tickets to save some money.
(Last Update on Dec 26, 2024)
(Last Update on Dec 27, 2024)
The high speed railway between Zhengzhou and Luoyang is the beginning part of the Zhengzhou - Xi'an High Speed Railway running in the east-west direction in central China. This railway came into service on February 6th, 2010 with the design speed of 350 km/h (217 mph). This section passes the Gongyi South Railway Station.
Operated at: Zhengzhou Railway Station, Luoyang Railway Station
Duration: about 1.5 - 2.5 hours
Distance: 124 km (77 mi)
Top speed: 120/ 140/ 160 km/h (75/ 87/ 99 mph)
Major stations along the way: Gongyi, Yanshi
(Last Update on Dec 26, 2024)
36 departures in total: departure time from 00:34 to 23:35; the duration is from 1H21M to 2H27M.
(Last Update on Dec 26, 2024)
23 departures in total: departure time from 00:06 to 23:34; the duration is from 1H23M to 2H11M.
1. "+" indicates the next day.
2. The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.
(Last Update on Dec 26, 2024)
Major Rail Lines from Zhengzhou to:
Major Rail Lines from Luoyang to:
Zhengzhou - Luoyang High Speed Train
Basic Facts:

Zhengzhou to Luoyang Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G7999 | 07:21 - 07:58 | 0h37m |
G651 | 10:06 - 10:42 | 0h36m |
G2051 | 12:03 - 12:39 | 0h36m |
G3165 | 15:46 - 16:22 | 0h36m |
G2229 | 19:25 - 20:02 | 0h37m |
(Last Update on Dec 27, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D123 | 23:14 - 00:40+ | 1h26m |
Luoyang to Zhengzhou Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G7954 | 07:09 - 07:34 | 0h25m |
G2390 | 10:45 - 11:23 | 0h38m |
G1922 | 12:06 - 12:45 | 0h39m |
G3290 | 16:10 - 16:48 | 0h38m |
G8000 | 21:28 - 22:05 | 0h37m |
(Last Update on Dec 27, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D94 | 19:41 - 21:04 | 1h23m |
Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
There are one pair of D trains D123/D94 serving this route with the price of CNY 27 for a second class seat ticket. the duration of this type is about 1.5 hours, similar to some G trains. Thus, if the schedules of this 2 trains happen to meet your time arrangement, we recommended you book their tickets to save some money.
Luoyang - Zhengzhou High Speed G Train Ticket Fare
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 146.5 - 249 USD 20 - 34 | CNY 74 - 128 USD 10 - 18 | CNY 27 - 79.5 USD 4 - 11 |
Luoyang - Zhengzhou High Speed D Train Ticket Fare
(Last Update on Dec 27, 2024)
1st Class Sleeper | 2nd Class Sleeper | Second Class Seat |
CNY 170 USD 23 | CNY 130 USD 18 | CNY 27 USD 4 |
Running Route of the Luoyang - Zhengzhou High Speed Trains
Normal Speed Train of Zhengzhou - Luoyang
Basic Facts:

Zhengzhou to Luoyang Train Schedule:
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K1131 | 04:56 - 06:30 | 1h34m |
K2045 | 07:28 - 09:10 | 1h42m |
K125 | 13:34 - 15:15 | 1h41m |
K817 | 17:04 - 18:39 | 1h35m |
K8005 | 19:19 - 20:59 | 1h40m |
Luoyang to Zhengzhou Train Timetable:
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K2908 | 03:13 - 04:57 | 1h44m |
K178 | 06:20 - 08:31 | 2h11m |
K32 | 12:44 - 14:30 | 1h46m |
Z316 | 17:17 - 18:54 | 1h37m |
K558 | 22:36 - 00:12+ | 1h36m |
1. "+" indicates the next day.
2. The above timetables are only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search tool on the top of this page.
Zhengzhou - Luoyang Normal Train Ticket Fares
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat |
CNY 105.5 USD 15 | CNY 73.5 USD 10 | CNY 19.5 USD 3 |

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- Last updated on Dec. 27, 2024 by Grace Yang -