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Xi'an to Qufu Trains

At present, 4 Xi’an to Qufu high speed trains are in service.

These trains run from Xi’an North Railway Station and arrive at Qufu East Railway Station after 5-6 hours.

The total distance between Xi’an and Qufu is 1,040 kilometers (646 miles).

The ticket fare of the business class seat is CNY 1,452, of the first class seat is CNY 742 and of the second class seat is CNY 460.

Xi’an to Qufu Train Tickets Booking


Running routes of Xi’an – Qufu high speed trains

Xi’an - Xuzhou Railway Line: this line is a part of the Land-Bridge High Speed Railway Line, and is 883 kilometers (549 miles) in total. It passes by some Railway Stations as the followings: Lingbao West, Zhengzhou East and Kaifeng North.

Xuzhou – Qufu Railway Line: as a section of Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway Line, this line connects the Railway Station like Zaozhaung and Tengzhou. This line is 157 kilometers (98 miles) in length.

Where to go in Qufu

1. Qufu International Confucius Culture Festival

Qufu International Confucius Culture Festival is held every September 28th. Its rich Confucian cultural characteristics and colorful tourism activities attract a large number of tourists from China and other countries. There you can spend a wonderful evening and enjoy a variety of folk performances.

2. Mount Shimen National Forest Park

The magnificent natural landscape in Mount Shimen attracts millions of people. It is famous for different shapes of stones which consist the twenty-four scenes of Shimen. Also, there are many trees in the mountain which make the park become a natural Oxygen bar. This is a good place for tourists to go climbing, relax, relieve stress and get close to the nature.

3. Xingtan Theatre

Every year from April to November, there is a large original dance drama show - “Confucius” at 20 o’clock in Xingtan Theatre. With the first-class stage effects, lighting and sound equipment, this show will not only bring you an excellent audiovisual enjoyment, but also let you deeply experience the unique and charming Chinese traditional culture.

Qufu to Xi’an Trains

3 Qufu to Xi’an high speed trains are in service. Start from Qufu East Railway Station, these trains run about 5.5 hours to the terminal – Xi’an North Railway Station. The distance between these two stations is 1,040 kilometers (646 miles).

See detailed Xi'an Train Schedule & Qufu Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Xi'an to:

Major Rail Line from Qufu to:
- Last updated on Feb. 03, 2023 by Brenda Lian -