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Suzhou to Nanning Train

Currently, Suzhou Railway Station handles 1 train to Nanning Railway Station. The Suzhou to Nanning train takes about 29 hours to finish the travel distance of 2,057 kilometers (1,278 miles). The ticket price for a first class seat is 658 and for a second class seat is CNY 416.

Tourists can also choose to transfer at Changsha South Railway Station. The travel time is 11 to 12.5 hours and the cost of two second class seats is CNY 772 or CNY 817.5.

Suzhou to Nanning Train Tickets Booking


Other Transportation Options

Transfer at Changsha South Railway Station

Suzhou North to Changsha South Changsha South to Nanning East Overall Travel Time Ticket Price
Second Class Seat/ Second Class Seat
G1772 07:12 - 12:58 G423 13:52 - 19:38 12h26m CNY 465.5 + CNY 306.5 = CNY 772
G576 08:50 - 15:16 G1505 14:12 - 19:43 10h53m

Suzhou to Shanghai Train + Shanghai to Nanning Flight

Suzhou to Shanghai Train
From Suzhou North Railway Station to Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, over 70 high speed trains are in service, taking about 0.5 to 1 hour. The ticket price for a second class seat is CNY 17 to CNY 39.5.

How to Get to Shanghai Hongqiao/ Pudong International Airport from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station
1. To Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport
Metro line 10 can take passengers to Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport. The duration is 10 minutes.

2. To Shanghai Pudong International Airport
To get to the Pudong airport, one can take Airport Shuttle Bus 1 which takes around 1 hour and the ticket fare is CNY 30.

Shanghai to Nanning Flight
9 flights are in service from Shanghai to Nanning, taking 3 hours and 20 minutes. Their schedule is from 07:10 to 21:35 and the air fare is from CNY 520 to CNY 1,200.

Top Things to Do in Nanning

Visit Museum of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

The museum has exhibition areas like exhibition zone of cultural relics of Guangxi, exhibition zone of ancient bronze drums, Guangxi Ethnic Relics Center etc. Among them, Guangxi Ethnic Relics Center is the most famous. Tourists can see different buildings of different ethnic groups including bamboo houses of Yao people, Miao people’s wooden house built over the water and drum tower of Yi nationality. Moreover, one can also see the unique clothes, embroidery of eleven ethic groups like Zhuang, Yao, Miao, Yi, Maonan and Shui.
 Mt. Qingxiu is famous for the green plants covered all over the mountain. When a gust of wind blows, branches and leaves of the trees scrape together, creating the sound of the sea. In addition, you can breathe fresh air when you hike from the bottom to the top of the mountain. And when you reach the mountain peak, you can climb Qingshan Tower to overlook the scenery of the mountain foot.

Scroll in Nanhu Lake Park

Nanhu Lake Park has beautiful water landscape and subtropical garden scenery. Walking in the park, you can see plants from southern china like palms, Chinese fan palm and betel palm. If you want to spend more time there, you can appreciate different orchids like gladiolus and flaming orchid in Orchid Garden and different Chinese herbs in Chinese Herbal Garden. Or just go fishing and take a boat trip over the lake.

Nanning to Suzhou Train

1 Nanning to Suzhou train is in service, taking about 30.5 hours.

See detailed Suzhou Train Schedule & Nanning Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Suzhou to:

Major Rail Lines from Nanning to:
- Last updated on Dec. 23, 2019 -