6 pairs of trains are running between Shenzhen and Nanning: 4 pairs of high speed trains with duration of around 3.5 - 4 hours and 2 pairs of normal speed ones with duration of about 15 - 16.5 hours. The running distance by bullet train is 665 kilometers (413 miles) and it costs CNY 467.5 - 507.5 on a first class seat and CNY 304.5 - 329.5 on a second class seat.
Shenzhen - Nanning High Speed Train
Basic Facts:

Open Date: 26th, Dec., 2014

Duration: around 3.5 - 4 hours

Running Distance: 665 kilometers (413 miles)

Top Speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)

Operated at:
Shenzhen North Railway Station,
Nanning East Railway Station Shenzhen to Nanning High Speed Train Schedule
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G2956 | 06:59 - 10:39 | 3h40m |
G2918 | 12:22 - 16:05 | 3h43m |
G418 | 15:56 - 19:29 | 3h33m |
G2916 | 17:58 - 21:34 | 3h36m |
See more
Shenzhen Schedule Nanning to Shenzhen Bullet Train Timetable
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G2911 | 08:34 - 12:04 | 3h30m |
G417 | 11:18 - 14:51 | 3h33m |
G2955 | 13:58 - 17:36 | 3h38m |
G2917 | 19:49 - 23:40 | 3h51m |
See more
Nanning Schedule Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Ticket Fare of Shenzhen - Nanning High Speed Train
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat | CNY 818.5 - 957.5 USD 113 - 132 | CNY 467.5 - 507.5 USD 65 - 70 | CNY 304.5 - 329.5 USD 42 - 46 |
Shenzhen - Nanning Railway Map |
Running Route

Shenzhen North -
Guangzhou South: It was opened on December 28, 2011 and major stations along the way are Guangmingcheng, Humen, Qingsheng. This is one of the busiest high speed railways in China and nearly 300 pairs of trains are running from and to every day.

Guangzhou South - Nanning West: It was opened December 26, 2014 and passing by twelve stations along the way, including Sanshui South, Zhangqing East, Yunfu East, Nanjiangkou, Yunan, Wuzhou South, Tengxian, Pingnan South, Guiping, Guigang, Binyang and Nanning East.
Normal Speed Trains of Shenzhen - Nanning
Basic Facts:

Duration: around 15 - 16.5 hours

Running Distance: 948 kilometers (589 miles)

Top Speed: 120 km/h (75 mph)

Operated at:
Shenzhen East Railway Station, Nanning Railway Station

Major stations along the way: Guangzhou, Zhaoqing, Yulin, Maoming
Shenzhen to Nanning Train Schedule
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K952 | 13:55 - 06:10+ | 16h15m |
K1208 | 14:27 - 05:17+ | 14h50m |
Nanning to Shenzhen Train Timetable
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K950 | 17:28 - 09:18+ | 15h50m |
K1206 | 21:33 - 13:28+ | 15h55m |
1. “+” indicates the second day;
2. The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the current schedule via the search box on page top.
Ticket Fare of Shenzhen - Nanning Train
(Last Update on Dec 11, 2024)
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat | CNY 379 USD 52 | CNY 230 USD 32 | CNY 124 USD 17 |
Note: With only 2 pairs of overnight sleeper trains, all tickets may be sold out as soon as they are released. Please book tickets in advance to ensure your travel smooth as planned.
Other Transportation Option: Shenzhen - Nanning Flight
There are only 1 pair of direct flights serving passengers between the two cities, and they usually take around 1.5 hours. The full economy class fare is CNY950. If you do not have enough time, you could choose to travel by plane.

Major Rail Lines from Shenzhen to:

Major Rail Lines from Nanning to:
- Last updated on Dec. 11, 2024 by Grace Yang -