Nowadays, 1 Kunming to Urumqi train is available every day, departing from
Kunming Railway Station to
Urumqi Railway Station.
The duration is about 45 hours for the distance of 4,225 kilometers (2,625 miles).
The ticket fare is CNY 660 for a hard sleeper, CNY 1,021 for a soft sleeper and CNY 365 for a hard seat.
Kunming to Urumqi Train Ticket Booking
Running Route of Kunming to Urumqi Train
Kunming to Guiyang Railway Line (a part of Shanghai – Kunming Railway)
Kunming – Qujing – Xuanwei – Liupanshui – Guiyang
Guiyang to Lanzhou Railway Line: (a part of Lanzhou – Guangzhou Railway)
Guiyang – Chongqing West – Nanchang North – Guangyuan – Longnan – Hadapu – Lanzhou
Lanzhou to Urumqi Railway Line: (a part of Xuzhou – Lanzhou Railway)
Lanzhou – Wuwei – Jinchang – Zhangye – Qingshui – Jiayuguan – Liuyuan – Kumul – Shanshan – Turpan – Urumqi
Kunming to Urumqi Flight
If a train travel is unfit for your trip, Kunming to Urumqi flights will be better. At present, there are 4 aircrafts operated between the two cities departing from
Kunming Changshui International Airport to
Urumqi Diwobao International Airport. And it takes 4H40M at least for a single flying trip, and a flight ticket costs CNY 1,000 – 2,000 depending on the date.
Where to go in Urumqi
Urumqi Glacier No.1, Tianshan Mountains is the source of Urumqi River. It is located in the southwest of the city at the altitude of over 3,860 meters (12,664 feet), covering 1.8 square kilometers (445 acres). There are more than 150 modern glaciers of different sizes around it. Urumqi Glacier No.1, Tianshan Mountains is called “Fossils of Glaciers” for its modern glaciers, classic glacial features and well-preserved ancient glacier remains, and it has become the ideal place for Chinese to observe and research ancient and modern glaciers. Along the national highway 216, you can reach the near side of the glacier. There are clear and crystal glacial waterfalls, as well as a large ice cave of more than 80 meters (262 feet) long. Visitors can also enjoy the unique scenery of the Tianshan Mountains.
Tianshan and Tianchi Scenic Area is located on the east side of Tianshan Mountain, 67 kilometers (42 miles) away from Urumqi city. It’s very easy to get here for the convenient transportation. The scenic area is centered on Tianchi Lake, with a planned area of 548 square kilometers (135,413 acres). As a representative of the natural landscape in Eurasia arid area, it has rich landscape resources, as well as human landscape related to ancient mythologies, religious and ethnical customs.
1 Urumqi to Kunming normal speed train is running every day, taking around 48.5 hours. A hard sleeper is CNY 660 and a soft sleeper is CNY 1,021.

See detailed
Kunming Train Schedule &
Urumqi Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Kunming to:

Major Rail Lines from Urumqi to:
- Last updated on Apr. 25, 2023 -