Guiyang to Yiwu Train
2 high speed trains from Guiyang to Yiwu are in service at present.
Departing from Guiyang North Railway Station, these trains arrive at Yiwu Railway Station after 7.5-8.5 hours. The total distance is 1,521 kilometers (945 miles).
The business class seat costs CNY 1,978.5, the first class seat costs CNY 1,055.5 and the second class seat costs CNY 626.5.
Guiyang to Yiwu High Speed Railway Line: this line constitutes Shanghai-Kunming High Speed Railway Line. This line is 1,521 kilometers (945 miles) in length and successively passes by the following places: Tongren, Loudi, Nanchang, Shangrao and Jinhua.
There are countless camphor trees and numerous cultural relics in this park. The peaceful and beautiful environment attracts millions of people here. Huaxi Lake is the most attractive in this park.
Surrounded by mountains on three sides and the dense forest, the lake is sparkling under the sunshine which makes there full of beauty and pleasure.
Located in Suxi town, Mount Suxi is a natural spot with lush trees and flowing waters. The spot includes Dripstone Park, Qiqi Mountain Scenic Area and Shuangxi Scenic Area. It is a good place for tourists to relax themselves, climb mountains, go sightseeing and get closer to the nature.
1 high speed train from Yiwu to Guiyang is serving. From Yiwu Railway Station to Guiyang North Railway Station, this train takes 7.5 hours to the destination. The total running distance is 1,521 kilometers (945 miles).
See detailed Guiyang Train Schedule & Yiwu Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Guiyang to:
Major Rail Lines from Yiwu to:
Departing from Guiyang North Railway Station, these trains arrive at Yiwu Railway Station after 7.5-8.5 hours. The total distance is 1,521 kilometers (945 miles).
The business class seat costs CNY 1,978.5, the first class seat costs CNY 1,055.5 and the second class seat costs CNY 626.5.
Guiyang to Yiwu Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K740 Details of the Train K740:
26H6M | 07:49 Guiyang | 09:55+1 Yiwu | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K112 Details of the Train K112:
24H1M | 09:08 Guiyang | 09:09+1 Yiwu | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K496 Details of the Train K496:
21H48M | 14:30 Guiyang | 12:18+1 Yiwu | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Z288 Details of the Train Z288:
19H23M | 17:13 Guiyang | 12:36+1 Yiwu | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K846 Details of the Train K846:
26H51M | 21:22 Guiyang | 00:13+2 Yiwu |
Running Route of Guiyang to Yiwu High Speed Trains
Where to go in Yiwu
1. Huaxi Forest Park
Surrounded by mountains on three sides and the dense forest, the lake is sparkling under the sunshine which makes there full of beauty and pleasure.
2. Mount Suxi
Yiwu to Guiyang Trains

- Last updated on Apr. 15, 2022 -