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Guiyang to Urumqi Trains

Now, only 1 Guiyang to Urumqi train is running every day.

The total length of the train route is 3,587 kilometers (2,229 miles).

It takes nearly 39 hours from Guiyang Railway Station to Urumqi Railway Station.

The ticket fare of the soft sleeper is CNY 887, of the hard sleeper is CNY 575 and of the hard seat is CNY 317.

Guiyang to Urumqi Train Tickets Booking


Another Transportation Option: Guiyang to Urumqi Flight

At present, 4 non-stop Guiyang to Urumqi Flights are available. From Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport to Urumqi Diwopu International Airport, these flights take about 4 hours to the destination. The ticket price of the economy class fluctuates between CNY 600 – CNY 2500 which depends on the different time or date of departure.

Where to go in Urumqi

1. Zhongtian Square

The height of Zhongtian Square Building is 229.99 meters (755 feet). At present, it is the tallest building in Urumqi and the first landmark in Xinjiang and Central Asia. Ascending this building, you can take an overall view of the whole city. There are also many restaurants where you can have a taste of the local dishes and snacks.

2. The Silk Road International Ski Resort

The Silk Road International Ski Resort is located in Tianshan Mountains National Forest Park, which is 38 kilometers (24 miles) away from the south of Urumqi City. The transportation is very convenient. The Ski Resort is located on the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains, with an altitude of 1,800 to 2,500 meters (5,905 to 8,202 miles). It is a wonderful place for people to ski on winter holidays and relieve summer heat. The most special is the ecological restaurant here. When you walk into the restaurant, it is like walking into the tropical rain forest. You can also take a cable car to enjoy the beautiful snow-covered landscape in Tianshan Mountains. There are a variety of local foods which can be chosen according to your taste.
 Red Hill is considered to be a symbol of Urumqi. It is also one of the main tourist attractions in Urumqi. Located in the center of Urumqi, Hongshan is a symbol of the prosperity and development of this city. The whole mountain is like a dragon standing on the center which is very imposing and spectacular.

Urumqi to Guiyang Trains

Currently, 1 train from Urumqi to Guiyang is in service. Taking more than 40 hours, this train departs from Urumqi Railway Station to Guiyang Railway Station. The total running distance is 3,178 kilometers (1,975 miles).

See detailed Guiyang Train Schedule & Urumqi Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Guiyang to: 
Major Rail Lines from Urumqi to:
- Last updated on Apr. 13, 2022 -