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Fuzhou to Wuyishan Train

Currently, Fuzhou Railway Station specializes 8 high speed trains to Wuyishan North Railway Station. 1 to 1.5 hours is needed for these Fuzhou to Wuyishan high speed trains to finish the overall travel distance as long as 225 kilometers (140 miles). Major railway stations along the way are Gutian North and Yanping. The ticket price for a first class seat is CNY 201 - 214 and for a second class seat is CNY 119.5 - 127.5.

There are also over 10 bullet trains from Fuzhou to Nanpingshi Railway Station with duration of 1-1.5 hours. After arrival, bus K1 and K1 Express can take you to Mt. Wuyishan.

Fuzhou to Wuyishan Train Tickets Booking


Wuyishan to Fuzhou train

About 10 Wuyishan to Fuzhou high speed trains from 06:23 to 21:21 run daily with the travel time of 1.5 to 2 hours.

 See detailed Fuzhou Train Schedule & Wuyishan Train Schedule

Major Rail Lines from Fuzhou to:
 Major Rail Lines from Wuyishan to:
- Last updated on Apr. 08, 2022 -