There are no direct trains running from Hong Kong to Wuyishan or vice versa up to now. Passengers need to make a transfer in Shenzhen or Nanchang since the trains between Hong Kong and Wuyishan do not run directly.
The travel time on the train is about 7 - 8.5 hours with a distance of around 1,025 kilometers (637 miles). A second class seat ticket costs about CNY 441.5 - 472.5 (about USD 62 - 67) by transferring in Shenzhen. Though it costs much higher to transfer in Nanchang, CNY 721.5 (USD 102), the travel time is shorter, taking about 7 hours.
By the way, there are two high speed railway stations near the famous
Mount Wuyi Scenic Area, Wuyishan North Railway Station and Nanpingshi Railway Station. Both of them are convenient to reach the scenic area by 1-hour bus.
Basic Facts:

Open Time: September 23, 2018

Overall Duration: Around 7 - 8.5 hours

Distance: Around 1,025 kilometers (637 miles)

Top speed: 200 km/h (124 mph) in HK, 300 km/h (186 mph) in Mainland

Operated at:
Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station,
Wuyishan North Railway Station / Nanpingshi Railway Station

Recommended Transfer Stations:
Nanchang West Railway Station,
Shenzhen North Railway Station Transfer in Nanchang
Overall Travel Time: Around 7 hours
Total Ticket Fare: CNY 721.5 (USD 102) for a second class seat
Hong Kong to Nanchang to Wuyishan High Speed Train Schedule & Ticket Fare
Hong Kong - Nanchang West | Nanchang West - Nanpingshi | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Fare (CNY) |
Second Class Seat |
G100: 11:38 - 15:41 | G1758: 16:45 - 18:26 | 6H48M | 557.5 + 164 = 721.5 |
Wuyishan to Nanchang to Hong Kong Bullet Train Timetable & Ticket Fare
Nanpingshi - Nanchang West | Nanchang West - Hong Kong | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Fare (CNY) |
Second Class Seat |
D1486: 14:41 - 16:47 | G99: 17:52 - 21:56 | 7H15M | 164 + 557.5 = 721.5 |

Note: The timetable listed above is for reference only. You can search for the real-time schedule by the tool on the page top.
Transfer in Shenzhen
Travel Time on Board: Around 7.5 - 8.5 hours
Total Ticket Fare: CNY 441.5 - 472.5 (about USD 62 - 67) for a second class seat
 | Shenzhen North Railway Station | |  | High Speed Train between Wuyishan and Shenzhen | |
Hong Kong to Shenzhen to Wuyishan High Speed Train Schedule & Ticket Fare Hong Kong - Shenzhen North | Shenzhen North - Nanpingshi | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Fare (CNY) |
Second Class Seat |
G5646: 14:04 - 14:28 | G2304: 14:43 - 21:41 | 7H37M | 75 + 387 = 462 |
G5642: 11:33 - 11:51 | G3654: 12:48 - 19:25 | 7H52M | 75 + 378 = 453 |
See more
Hong Kong Schedule Wuyishan to Shenzhen to Hong Kong Bullet Train Timetable & Ticket Fare
Nanpingshi / Wuyishan North - Shenzhen North | Shenzhen North - Hong Kong | Overall Travel Time | Ticket Fare (CNY) |
Second Class Seat |
D3141: 13:55 - 20:46 | G3005: 21:10 - 21:28 | 7H33M | 366.5 + 75 = 441.5 |
D2325: 08:15 - 15:49 | G5605: 16:14 - 16:38 | 8H23M | 397.5 + 75 = 472.5 |

1. From Nanping Railway Station to the Mount Wuyi Scenic Area, passengers can take Bus Line K1 with a duration of around 50 minutes. From Wuyishan North, Bus Lines 6, 7, 9 are available and it takes about 1 hour.
2. The timetable listed above is for reference only. You can search for the real-time schedule by the tool on the page top.
 | Water Rafting in Mount Wuyi Scenic Area | |  | Mount Wuyi | |

Major Rail Lines from Hong Kong to:

Major Rail Lines from Wuyishan to:
- Last updated on Nov. 26, 2024 by Brenda Lian -