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Shanghai - Hefei Train

Usually, there are about 89 pairs of trains running between Shanghai and Hefei. Among them, 2 pairs are normal types with duration of 7.5 - 9.5 hours and the rest are bullet trains with duration of 2 - 5.5 hours.

High Speed Train

Basic Facts:

 Duration: about 2 - 5.5 hours
 Distance: about 452 - 468 kilometers (281 - 291 miles)
 Top speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
 Operated at: Shanghai/ Shanghai Hongqiao Railway StationHefei/ Hefei South Railway Station
 Stations along the way: Anting North, Kunshan South, Yangchenghu, Suzhou, Suzhou North, Suzhou New District, Wuxi New District, Wuxi, Qishuyan, Wuxi East, Huishan, Changzhou, Changzhou North, Danyang, Dantu, Zhenjiang, Zhenjiang South, Nanjing South, Quanjiao, and Feidong

Shanghai to Hefei High Speed Train Schedule

(Last Update on Dec 16, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G323006:42 - 09:513h9m
D306810:08 - 13:233h15m
G195612:03 - 14:362h33m
D304616:06 - 19:123h6m
G743219:15 - 22:012h46m
Around 87 departures in total: departure time from 06:01 to 19:55; duration from 1H51M to 5H22M.
See more Shanghai Schedule
 (Last Update on Dec 16, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
G725807:33 - 10:473h14m
G759810:08 - 12:352h27m
G177012:04 - 15:123h8m
G727016:09 - 19:113h2m
G323219:53 - 22:422h49m
Around 87 departures in total: departure time from 07:00 to 21:18; duration from 1H54M to 5H11M.
See more Hefei Schedule 

Note: The timetable listed above is for reference only. You can search for the real-time schedule by the tool on page top.

Shanghai - Hefei High Speed Train Ticket Price

(Last Update on Dec 16, 2024)
Business Class SeatFirst Class SeatSecond Class Seat
CNY 628 - 1,045
USD 87 - 144
CNY 286 - 613
USD 40 - 85
CNY 179 - 383
USD 25 - 53

These rides are operated at different railway stations in both cities:

 In Shanghai, around 67 pairs of them are operated at Hongqiao Railway Station and 18 pairs of them use Shanghai Railway Station. It is needless to say that there are more choices in Hongqiao Station which is adjacent to Hongqiao International Airport. It is a little far from the city center and other attractions sites, but the transportation to and from the station is pretty convenient. Passengers can take city bus, subway line 2 or line 10 to other places. The schedule of Shanghai Station is not as dense as that of Hongqiao Station, but it is closer to city center. If the schedule fits, it will be more time-saving to use it.

 In Hefei, nearly 60 pairs of them are operated at South Railway Station and more than 26 pairs of them use Main Railway Station. South Railway Station is located a little far from the downtown area, but there are more choices and the transportation of this station is convenient. So you are advised to choose the South Station, except that you stay near the main station and its schedule fits your travel time.

Normal Train

Basic Facts:

 Duration: about 7.5 - 9.5 hours
 Distance: about 457 kilometers (284 miles)
 Top speed: 100/ 120/ 140/ 160 km/h (62/ 75/ 87/ 99 mph)
 Operated at: Shanghai Railway Station, Hefei Railway Station

Shanghai to Hefei Train Schedule

(Last Update on Dec 16, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
K115610:57 - 20:349h37m
K836223:30 - 07:11+7h41m


Hefei to Shanghai Train Timetable

(Last Update on Dec 16, 2024)
Train No.Departure - ArrivalTravel Time
K115806:02 - 14:378h35m
K836122:35 - 08:09+9h34m
Note: The timetable listed above is for reference only. You can search for the real-time schedule by the tool on page top.

Shanghai - Hefei Train Ticket Price

(Last Update on Dec 16, 2024)
Soft SleeperHard SleeperHard Seat
CNY 223 - 244
USD 31 - 34
CNY 148 - 161
USD 20 - 22
CNY 78 - 86
USD 11 - 12


Flights VS. High Speed Trains

Passengers can also travel by flight. There are 2 pairs per day. The travel time is 1.5 hours or so. But they are not recommended because the airports are a little bit far from the city center, making the total flight travel time no big difference from the high speed rail travel. Besides, easily affected by weather changes, flights are not as punctual as rail service. Last but not least, flight travel will cost more than rail travel in most cases.

 Major Rail Lines from Shanghai to:

 Major Rail Lines from Hefei to:
- Last updated on Dec. 17, 2024 by Grace Yang -