Nanning - Yangshuo Train
Nowadays, there are 4 pairs of high speed trains running between Nanning and Yangshuo, or more specifically, Nanning East Railway Station and Yangshuo Railway Station. The distance between is about 450 kilometers (280 miles). It takes around 3 - 3.5 hours to finish a single trip. A ride on a first class seat costs CNY 243 - 272 and on a second class seat costs CNY 150.5 - 169.5. The normal speed sleeper trains are not available.
Open Date: 24th Jan, 2016
Duration: 3 - 3.5 hours
Top speed: 250 km/h (155 mph)
Stations along the way: Binyang, Laibin North, Liuzhou, Luzhai North, Yongfu South, Guilin, Guilin North
(Last Update on Jan 15, 2025)
See more Nanning Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 15, 2025)
1. Yangshuo Railway Station is a little bit far from the downtown area. Currently, a shuttle bus line is put in use between the railway station and downtown for passengers’ convenience. It needs about 60 - 70 minutes and the ticket fare is CNY 20 per person for a single trip.
2. The above timetable is for reference. For the most up-to-date schedule, please use the search box on page top.
(Last Update on Jan 15, 2025)
1. The first class seats for this trip are usually in great demand. If you plan to reserve one, reserve it as early as possible once your travel plan is set.
2. As there are only 4 departures per day for both directions, standing tickets will be issued when all classes of tickets mentioned above are sold out. The ticket fare for a standing ticket is the same with that of a second class seat. Passengers holding the standing ticket need to stand along the aisle or at the connection of two carriages on the way.
Since the Yangshuo to Nanning trains as well as Nanning to Yangshuo trains are less, the schedule may not fit the travel time of some passengers. Or, sometimes, the tickets are sold out. In these cases, they could transfer in nearby cities, such as Guilin; and both Guilin Station and Guilin North Station can be used. If your travel time is not tight, you can even leave some time for sightseeing in that city.
From Nanning, two departures are available at 10:10 and 16:20 from Langdong Long-distance Bus Station; from Yangshuo, one departure is at 10:00 from South Long-distance Bus Station. Duration is about 5 - 6 hours and ticket fare is CNY 120 - 140.
Major Rail Lines from Nanning to:
Major Rail Lines from Yangshuo to:
Basic Facts of Nanning - Yangshuo High Speed Train:
Duration: 3 - 3.5 hours
Top speed: 250 km/h (155 mph)
Stations along the way: Binyang, Laibin North, Liuzhou, Luzhai North, Yongfu South, Guilin, Guilin North
Nanning to Yangshuo High Speed Train Timetable:
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G3744 | 07:23 - 10:13 | 2h50m |
D8268 | 08:00 - 11:03 | 3h3m |
D8272 | 13:00 - 16:10 | 3h10m |
D8280 | 17:34 - 21:05 | 3h31m |
Yangshuo to Nanning Bullet Train Schedule:
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D8262 | 08:58 - 12:05 | 3h7m |
D8266 | 13:55 - 16:55 | 3h00m |
D8270 | 19:26 - 22:32 | 3h6m |
G3742 | 19:35 - 22:37 | 3h2m |
1. Yangshuo Railway Station is a little bit far from the downtown area. Currently, a shuttle bus line is put in use between the railway station and downtown for passengers’ convenience. It needs about 60 - 70 minutes and the ticket fare is CNY 20 per person for a single trip.
2. The above timetable is for reference. For the most up-to-date schedule, please use the search box on page top.
Ticket Fare of Nanning - Yangshuo High Speed Trains
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 496 USD 68 | CNY 243 - 272 USD 33 - 37 | CNY 150.5 - 169.5 USD 21 - 23 |
1. The first class seats for this trip are usually in great demand. If you plan to reserve one, reserve it as early as possible once your travel plan is set.
2. As there are only 4 departures per day for both directions, standing tickets will be issued when all classes of tickets mentioned above are sold out. The ticket fare for a standing ticket is the same with that of a second class seat. Passengers holding the standing ticket need to stand along the aisle or at the connection of two carriages on the way.
Other Transportation Options:
1. Transfer in Other Railway Stations
2. Travel by Long-distance Bus

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- Last updated on Jan. 15, 2025 by Grace Yang -