Kunming - Fuzhou Train
Currently, there are 3 pairs of Kunming - Fuzhou high speed trains. All run between Kunming South Railway Station and Fuzhou Railway Station for a distance of 2,092 kilometers (1,300 miles). Because of the long distance, it takes around 11 - 12.5 hours for a single-way trip. A second class seat costs CNY 792.5 - 909. Normal trains do not exist between Kunming and Fuzhou in Fujian Province. For passengers in urgent cases, flights might be a better choice.
Open Date: Jan 5, 2017
Duration: about 11 - 12.5 hours
Running Distance: 2,092 kilometers (1,300 miles)
Top Speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
Stations along the way: Qujing North, Panzhou, Guanling, Anshun West, Pingba South, Guiyang North, Kaili South, Tongren South, Xinhuang West, Huaihua South, Xupu South, Shaoyang North, Loudi South, Changsha South, Liling East, Pingxiang North, Xinyu North, Yichun, Nanchang West, Fuzhou East in Jiangxi, Yingtan North, Shangrao, Wufushan, Wuyishan East, Jian'ou West, Nanping North, Gutian North
(Last Update on Jan 10, 2025)
See more Kunming Schedule
(Last Update on Jan 10, 2025)
See more Fuzhou Schedule
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Basic Facts:

Kunming to Fuzhou High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1682 | 08:12 - 20:35 | 12h23m |
G1752 | 09:49 - 20:52 | 11h3m |
G1696 | 10:46 - 22:25 | 11h39m |
Fuzhou to Kunming Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1698 | 08:36 - 19:53 | 11h17m |
G1754 | 09:42 - 21:42 | 12h00m |
G1684 | 10:51 - 23:09 | 12h18m |
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Ticket Fare of Kunming - Fuzhou High Speed Train
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 2,474 - 2,705.5 USD 340 - 372 | CNY 1,320.5 - 1,505 USD 181 - 207 | CNY 792.5 - 909 USD 109 - 125 |
Other Transportation Options between Kunming and Fuzhou
Transfer via Changsha
Route | Duration | Ticket Fare for second class seat |
Kunming South - Changsha South | 5.5 - 7.5 hours | CNY 360.5 - 530 |
Changsha South - Fuzhou | 4.5 - 5.5 hours | CNY 274.5 - 472 |
Total (on the train) | 10 - 13 hours | CNY 635 - 1,002 |
Transfer via Nanchang
Route | Duration | Ticket Fare for second class seat |
Kunming South - Nanchang West | 7.5 - 8.5 hours | CNY 607.5 - 654.5 |
Nanchang West - Fuzhou | 3 - 6.5 hours | CNY 160.5 - 453.5 |
Total (on the train) | 10.5 - 15 hours | CNY 768 - 1,108 |
To Take a Flight
Kunming - Fuzhou High Speed Trains V.S. Flights
High Speed Train | Plane | |
Duration | 11 - 12.5 hours | around 2.5 hours |
Price | CNY 1,320.5 - 1,505 for first class seat; CNY 792.5 - 909 for second class seat | Full price for Economy class: CNY 1,500 - 1,700; Discount tickets (CNY 500 - 600) are always available |
Punctuality | Punctual | Occasional delays |

- Last updated on Jan. 14, 2025 by Sule Su -