Around 50 pairs of Nanning - Kunming high speed trains are in service now. They have cut the rail travel time between the two cities to about 4 - 5.5 hours. Ticket price is around CNY 246 - 282 (USD 35 - 40) for a second class seat.
Basic Facts

Running distance: 441 miles (710 km)

Designed speed: 155 mph (250 km/h)
In operation, the top speed will remain between 130 mph (210 km/h) and 155 mph (250 km/h).

Duration: 4 to 5.5 hours

Operate at:
Nanning East /
Nanning / Nanning West;
Kunming South /
Kunming Railway Station
Stations along the way: Long'an East, Pingguo, Tiandong North, Tianyang, Baise, Funing, Guangnanxian, Puzhehei, Mile, Shilin West
 | Kunming Railway Station | |  | Nanning Railway Station | |
Nanning to Kunming High Speed Train Schedule
(Last Update on Oct 24, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D3933 | 07:13 - 11:20 | 4h7m |
D3802 | 10:24 - 15:07 | 4h43m |
D3819 | 12:34 - 17:11 | 4h37m |
D3847 | 15:36 - 20:22 | 4h46m |
D3859 | 17:59 - 22:21 | 4h22m |
Around 50 departures in total: departure time from 07:13 to 17:59; duration from 4H7M to 5H29M.
See more
Nanning Schedule Kunming to Nanning Bullet Train Timetable
(Last Update on Oct 24, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
D3812 | 08:51 - 13:15 | 4h24m |
D3828 | 10:43 - 14:45 | 4h2m |
D3938 | 11:45 - 16:49 | 5h4m |
D3928 | 15:06 - 19:40 | 4h34m |
D3962 | 17:35 - 22:10 | 4h35m |
Around 50 departures in total: departure time from 08:51 to 18:00; duration from 4H to 5H19M.
See more
Kunming Schedule Note: The above timetable is only for reference. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on the page top.
Ticket Fare of Nanning - Kunming High Speed Trains
(Last Update on Oct 24, 2024)
First Class Seat | Second Class Seat | CNY 394 - 450.5 USD 56 - 64 | CNY 246 - 282 USD 35 - 40 |
Nanning - Kunming Railway Map |
Running Route

Nanning - Baise: This section has been in service since December 11, 2015, greatly shortening the duration from 3 hours to 1.5 hours. Currently, there are 60 more pairs of high speed trains shuttling on it every day. Ticket price for a second class seat is CNY 66.5 - 110.5 (USD 10 - 16) and for a first class seat is CNY 106 - 177 (USD 15 - 25).

Baise - Kunming: This section, measuring 476 km (296 mi) long, has started serving passengers on December 28, 2016. The travel time in trail operation is around 3 hours, nearly 7 hours shorter than non-bullet trains.
A High Speed Railway Connecting Yunnan with Pearl River Delta
This high speed railway, also called Yunnan - Guangxi High Speed Railway, not only connects Kunming and Nanning, but also Kunming and Guangzhou via the
Nanning-Guangzhou High Speed Railway, hence linking Southwest China with Pearl River Delta. In 2021, China-Laos Railway was opened, linking southwest China and Southeast Asia together.
Nanning - Kunming Normal Speed Trains
At present, there are three pairs of normal speed trains operating between Nanning and Kunming, two of which are overnight trains.
Nanning to Kunming Train Schedule
(Last Update on Oct 24, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K1205 | 05:47 - 21:00 | 15h13m |
T381 | 18:15 - 07:46+ | 13h31m |
K231 | 19:56 - 09:57+ | 14h1m |
Kunming to Nanning Train Timetable
(Last Update on Oct 24, 2024)
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
K1206 | 07:58 - 21:03 | 13h5m |
K232 | 16:38 - 06:37+ | 13h59m |
T382 | 20:38 - 08:42+ | 12h4m |
The timetable here is just for reference. Please refer to the search tool on page top for the real time schedule.
Ticket Fare
(Last Update on Oct 24, 2024)
Soft Sleeper | Hard Sleeper | Hard Seat | CNY 297 - 315 USD 42 - 45 | CNY 196 - 208 USD 28 - 30 | CNY 105 - 112 USD 15 - 16 |
What to See along the Way
Honored as "one of the most beautiful high speed railways", this high speed rail line passes by not only charming lakes and picturesque mountains, but also villages of minority nationalities like Miao and Zhuang. From plains to plateau, passengers will be able to appreciate a gradual scenery change along the way. Belows are top travel destinations along the way:

Baise: Baise is a city covered by both natural scenery and historical relics. What's more, it is also the domicile of many ethnic minority groups where various cultures melt harmoniously. Popular attractions around the city include Chuandong Heavenly Pit, Daweishi Heavenly Pit, Chengbi Lake, etc.

Puzhehei: This will be a good station for travelers to
Puzhehei Scenic Area. It is famed with karst landscape and there are over 70 lakes scattered around. Once the high speed rail line is in service, it will be easier for travelers to visit this "unique pastoral scene in China".
Puzhehei Railway Station |

Shilin West: The station is the closest high speed railway station to
Stone Forest, about 18.5 miles (30 km) away. Travelers can transfer between the station and Stone Forest directly by a tourist bus.
Stone Forest |

Major Rail Lines from Nanning to:

Major Rail Lines from Kunming to:
- Last updated on Nov. 21, 2024 by Grace Yang -