Guiyang - Xiamen Train
Basic Facts of Guiyang - Xiamen High Speed Train
Duration: 9.5h - 11h
Running Distance: 1,736/ 1,874 kilometers (1,079/ 1,164 miles)
Top Speed: 300 km/h (186 mph)
Guiyang to Xiamen High Speed Train Schedule
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G1686 | 09:32 - 20:04 | 10h32m |
G2370 | 10:24 - 20:50 | 10h26m |
G1682 | 11:14 - 21:49 | 10h35m |
G2280 | 11:49 - 22:17 | 10h28m |
G1752 | 12:36 - 22:19 | 9h43m |
Xiamen to Guiyang Bullet Train Timetable
Train No. | Departure - Arrival | Travel Time |
G2372 | 06:48 - 17:05 | 10h17m |
G2278 | 08:04 - 17:57 | 9h53m |
G1754 | 08:30 - 18:43 | 10h13m |
G1684 | 09:14 - 20:04 | 10h50m |
G1688 | 10:06 - 20:16 | 10h10m |
Note: The above timetable is for reference only. Please search for the real-time schedule via the search box on page top.
Ticket Fare of Guiyang - Xiamen High Speed Trains
Business Class Seat | First Class Seat | Second Class Seat |
CNY 2,127 - 2,726 USD 294 - 377 | CNY 1,135.5 - 1,415 USD 157 - 195 | CNY 685.5 - 847.5 USD 95 - 117 |
Stations along the way: Kaili South, Sansui, Tongren South, Xinhuang West, Zhijiang, Huaihua South, Shaoyang North, Loudi South, Shaoshan South, Changsha South, Liling East, Pingxiang North, Yichun, Xinyu North, Gao’an, Nanchang West, Jinxian South, Yingtang North, Yiyang, Shangrao, Wufushan, Wiyishan North, Wuyishan East, Jianou West, Nanping North, Gutian North , Minqing North, Fuzhou in Fujian, Fuqing, Putian, Quanzhou, Jinjiang
Other Transportation Option: Guiyang - Xiamen Flight
Flight is also a good option to travel between the two cities. There are many direct flights for passengers’ choice. It takes only about 2 hours. As 30% off - 80% off discount tickets are available every now and then, the ticket fare sometimes is even much lower than high speed trains. Before travelling, you can compare the price and time and choose a proper way.
Urban Transporttions to the Railway Stations
How to Get to Guiyang North Railway Station
To go to Guiyang North Railway Station in the city, the best way is to take Guiyang Urban Rail Transit Line 1.
Besides, the city bus No. 56, 65, 66, 261, 262, 263, 265, 270, 277, 290, 702, 802, 808, B1, B236, B267, B292, B5, B6, etc. and Airport Shuutle Bus Line 1 will also take you to the railway station.
How to Get to Xiamen North Railway Station
Taking Xiamen Metro Line 1, you can get to Xiamen North Railway Station directly.
In addition, the city bus is also convenient to the station. the city bus J193, BRT 1, BRT 6, BRT 494, 493, 690, 691, 692, 790, 792, 890, 898, 901, 905, 907, 916, 936, 949, 953, 957, 980, and the Special Airport Shttle Bus are all optional.Major Rail Lines from Guiyang to: