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Chengdu to Yangshuo Train

At present, 2 Chengdu to Yangshuo high speed trains are for passenger’s use. They are all handled by Chengdu East Railway Station and Yangshuo Railway Station. To complete the total travel distance of 1,131 kilometers (703 miles), these high speed trains need 6.5 hours. The train ticket fare of a first class seat is CNY 733 and of a second class seat is CNY458.

If the train tickets are sold out, it is suggested to make a transfer in Guilin, then take cruise, long-distance buses or high speed trains to go to Yangshuo.

Chengdu to Yangshuo Train Tickets Booking

Details of the Train D1822:
1Chengdu East -07:41
2Suining 08:3808:40
3Tongnan 09:0709:12
4Hechuan 09:3609:38
5Chongqing West 10:0610:16
6Qijiang East 10:4110:43
7Zunyi 11:3911:41
8Guiyang East 12:2812:33
9Duyun East 13:1013:12
10Congjiang 13:5914:01
11Guilin West 14:4614:52
12Yangshuo 15:1615:34
13Gongcheng 15:4816:12
14Hezhou 16:4016:43
15Huaiji 17:1417:17
16Guangning 17:3217:34
17Zhaoqing East 17:5117:53
18Foshan West 18:1118:13
19Guangzhou South 18:32-
Chengdu East
Details of the Train D1813:
1Guangyuan -09:30
2Jianmenguan 09:4309:51
3Jiangyou 10:1810:26
4Mianyang 10:4310:45
5Luojiang East 10:5710:59
6Chengdu East 11:2911:37
7Guiyang East 14:4214:46
8Sanjiang South 16:2016:22
9Guilin West 16:5417:04
10Yangshuo 17:2717:41
11Gongcheng 17:5617:58
12Huaiji 18:5018:52
13Guangning 19:0819:13
14Zhaoqing East 19:3119:33
15Guangzhou South 20:10-
Chengdu East

Running Route of Chengdu to Yangshuo High Speed Train

Chengdu - Chongqing High Speed Railway Line: Chengdu - Chongqing High Speed Railway Line is as long as 319 kilometers (198 miles), connecting railway stations of Chengdu East, Suining, Hechuan and Chongqing North.

Chongqing - Guiyang High Speed Railway Line: With the length of 344 kilometers (214 miles), this high speed railway line allows bullet trains to operate at the speed of 200 km/h (124 mph), mainly linking railway stations like Chongqing West, Tongzi East, Zunyi, Xifeng and Guiyang East.

Guiyang - Yangshuo High Speed Railway Line: This high speed route constitutes an imperative section of Guiyang - Guangzhou High Speed Railway Line which has been in service since December 26th, 2014. It is 488 kilometers (303 miles) in length and high speed trains along it runs at the speed of 250 km/h (155 mph).

Another Transportation Option: Chengdu - Guilin Bullet Train + Guilin - Yangshuo Cruise

Li River is famous for its beautiful scenery along both sides. Travelling to Yangshuo without the appreciation of Li River is quite a loss. So, it is suggested to take high speed trains to Guilin first and then go by Li River cruise from Guilin to Yangshuo.

From Chengdu to Guilin, 15 high speed trains are available, taking 6 to 7.5 hours and costing CNY 377 to CNY 409.5 for a second class seat. When you get to Guilin, you need to go to Mopanshan Warf. The cruise scheduled from 9:00 to 9:30 in the morning, takes about 4 hours and 30 minutes to arrive in Yangshuo and the ticket fare is CNY 230 per person.

Yangshuo to Chengdu Train

5 Yangshuo to Chengdu high speed trains are in service, with the duration of 6.5 to 7.5 hours.

See detailed Chengdu Train Schedule 
Major Rail Lines from Chengdu to:
Major Rail Lines from Yangshuo to:
- Last updated on Apr. 01, 2022 -