Xi'an to Yantai Trains
Now, 4 Xi’an to Yantai high speed trains are optional. From Xi’an North Railway Station to Yantai Railway Station or Yantai South Railway Station, these Xi’an to Yantai trains totally run 1,728 kilometers (1,074 miles). And these trains take 8.5 - 9 hours to the destination. The ticket fare of the business class seat is CNY 1,980.5 - 2,362, of the first class seat is CNY 999.5 - 1,194.5 and of the second class seat is CNY 626 - 745.
1 normal speed train from Xi’an to Yantai is in service. This Xi’an to Yantai train runs from Xi’an Railway Station to Yantai Railway Station. The distance between these two stations is 1,703 kilometers (1,058 miles). And this train takes about 22 hours to the terminal station. The soft sleeper costs CNY 497.5, the hard sleeper costs CNY 325.5 and the hard seat costs CNY 177.5.
With the blue sea, soft beach and fresh air, Golden Beach Coast Park is a comprehensive park integrating swimming, sightseeing, entertainment, leisure and food. There are mainly 4 attractions in this park including Tianjie Square, Wanmi Beach, Colorful City Waterpark and Air World. In spring, the scenery is very beautiful with the flowers in full bloom; in summer, the sunshine makes the clam sea like a satin; in autumn, the cool weather provides a good travel experience and in winter, the surf is spectacular. Also, the perfect tourists’ facilities will give you an unforgettable experience here.
Mountain of Yantai is a good place to travel. Here, different kinds of trees are on the hills and many red houses hide in them, looking from the distance, the whole mountain is very fascinating and picturesque. In the mountain, there are folk custom buildings represented by Dragon King Temple, and Martyrs' Shrine, and magical attractions including Yantai Stone and Taibai Stone. As a natural landscape of humanities and the exotic customs, the beautiful scenery, lush vegetation, clear sea water and strange stones, Mountain of Yantai will give you wonderful and perfect visual experience.
5 Yantai to Xi’an high speed trains are in service now. From Yantai South Railway Station or Yantai Railway Station to Xi’an North Railway Station, these Yantai to Xi’an trains run about 1,728 kilometers (1,074 miles) in total, taking 7.5 - 9.5 hours to the terminal station.
Currently, only 1 normal speed train from Yantai to Xi’an is available. This train runs from Yantai Railway Station and takes 23 hours to Xi’an railway Station. The distance between these two stations is 1,703 kilometers (1,058 miles).
See detailed Xi'an Train Schedule
Major Rail Lines from Xi'an to:
Major Rail Lines from Yantai to:
1 normal speed train from Xi’an to Yantai is in service. This Xi’an to Yantai train runs from Xi’an Railway Station to Yantai Railway Station. The distance between these two stations is 1,703 kilometers (1,058 miles). And this train takes about 22 hours to the terminal station. The soft sleeper costs CNY 497.5, the hard sleeper costs CNY 325.5 and the hard seat costs CNY 177.5.
Xi’an to Yantai Train Tickets Booking
Train | Dep. | Arr. |
Train | Dep. | Arr. | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G1844 Details of the Train G1844:
9H11M | 07:52 Xi'an North | 17:03 Yantai South | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G2686 Details of the Train G2686:
8H52M | 09:58 Xi'an North | 18:50 Yantai South | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
K1132 Details of the Train K1132:
22H1M | 12:50 Xi'an | 10:51+1 Yantai | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G2088 Details of the Train G2088:
8H27M | 14:31 Xi'an North | 22:58 Yantai | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G2008 Details of the Train G2008:
8H23M | 14:51 Xi'an North | 23:14 Yantai |
Where to go in Yantai
1. Golden Beach Coast Park
2. Mountain of Yantai
Yantai to Xi’an Trains
Currently, only 1 normal speed train from Yantai to Xi’an is available. This train runs from Yantai Railway Station and takes 23 hours to Xi’an railway Station. The distance between these two stations is 1,703 kilometers (1,058 miles).

- Last updated on Mar. 18, 2025 by Grace Yang -